== !ToDo: Haiti GIS == bitnerd & flavour coordinating * Provide admin UI for feature_to_feature_group, feature_class_to_feature_group, etc * {{{controllers/gis.py}}} & {{{views/gis/...}}} * Features are stored in the table gis_location * Feature Classes are types of Feature & determine their Marker (Icon): gis_feature_class * Feature Groups are collections of Features & Feature Groups & determine whether they appear as a separate layer on the Map to be enabled/disabled: gis_feature_group * There are Many-to-Many tables linking these together (defined in {{{models/03_gis.py}}}) * There are basic Controller functions for editing these resources, however they aren't fully-exposed to users (need to type URL manually) * We want nice User interface for these & menus (menus for GIS need some wider cleanup work anyway) * KML Export * office.kml * need to join to locations to have it make sense (& also to organisation to have it understand sectors) * Include Marker? * Separate out the Internal Features from External Features in !LayerSwitcher ([http://geoext.org/tutorials/layertree-tutorial.html#filtering GeoExt] skills) * {{{views/gis/map_viewing_client.html}}} +68 * Popups for GeoRSS overlays (works in Chrome & IE8, but not FF) * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_georss.js}}} * Popups for KML overlays (works in Chrome, but not FF) * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_kml.js}}} * Unzip KMZ layers * GeoRSS Export * Basic working already....need JOINed layers as per KML * WMS Caps Browser * Image layers * KML Import * GeoRSS Import * Different Feature Groups for diff sectors? * Load GIS data * TMS layer for new [http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/01/haiti-imagery-layer-now-available.html GeoEye imagery] * http://www.geonames.org/search.html?q=&country=HT * http://www.fallingrain.com/world/HA/ ---- [wiki:Haiti Haiti]