[wiki:Haiti] == Haiti Organization Registry == This is being coordinated on #sahana-py Lead urgently needed. * Requirements/Blueprint: BluePrintOrganisationRegistry * Simple alternate system currently without data: http://haitivoices.com * ServerSidePagination will be needed as we collect more data * [wiki:AlphaSort Arrange Org dropdown alphabetically] in Add Office * Change into autocomplete? * UN OCHA 3W: http://3w.unocha.org/WhoWhatWhere/projectMatrixReportFwt.php?uSite=ocha_na_ht&repId=1 * Ensure that the schema is compatible with the [wiki:BluePrint3W] schema. * Functionality to import data from OCHA. See: [wiki:BluePrint3W] * Documentation for Admins: UserGuidelinesAdmin * Documentation for !DataEntry people: UserGuidelinesOrganisationRegistry * Data Entry * List of Sectors: * Shelter and Non-Food Items * Coordination and Support Services * Infrastructure and Rehabilitation * Security * Protection and Human Rights and Rule of Law * [wiki:BluePrint/Reporting Data Analysis, Visualisation and Reporting] on Sectoral coverage * jqPlot sufficient? (like in pr) * Provide a working 'Admin' functionality so that Orgs can restrict which auth_user's can edit their Details * Organization Dashboard (code at: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-howden/sahana/haiti-quake-2010) * Allows you to view Org details along with offices, contacts and activities * Select Org from alpha-order drop down * Add new offices, contacts and activities for org * Not so important are: * Better code to switch between orgs, without having to refresh the whole page * Edit the org in a popup, edit contacts, offices and activities in popups * The Activities need to be presented as a Matrix like: http://3w.unocha.org/WhoWhatWhere/projectMatrixReportFwt.php?uSite=ocha_na_ht&repId=1 * Streamline Menu: * The org dashboard should replace the Org Registry Page * The front page should be split up into big buttons * Help text should be added to explain what the Map data is * The Mapping top menu needs to be simplified ---- [wiki:Haiti]