== !ToDo: Haiti Orgs Branch == * Requirements/Blueprint: BluePrintOrganisationRegistry * Branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~sahanapy-haiti/sahana/haiti-or * Instance: * Prod: http://haiti-orgs.sahanafoundation.org * Dev: http://haiti-orgsdev.sahanapy.org * HaitiDataEntry * Documentation for Admins: UserGuidelinesAdmin * Documentation for !DataEntry ppl: UserGuidelinesOrganisationRegistry * Data Entry * List of Sectors: * Shelter and Non-Food Items * Coordination and Support Services * Infrastructure and Rehabilitation * Security * Protection and Human Rights and Rule of Law * Streamline Interface * GPS Conversion Tool accessibility. Reza tackling * jQuery tabs? * [wiki:BluePrintReporting Reports] on Sectoral coverage * jqPlot sufficient? (like in pr) * Provide a working 'Admin' functionality so that Orgs can restrict which auth_user's can edit their Details * GIS (Bitnerd coordinating) * KML Export * office.kml * need to join to locations to have it make sense (& also to organisation to have it understand sectors) * Include Marker? * Different Feature Groups for diff sectors? * Separate out the Internal Features from External Features in !LayerSwitcher ([http://geoext.org/tutorials/layertree-tutorial.html#filtering GeoExt] skills) * views/gis/map_viewing_client.html +68 * Popups for GeoRSS overlays * views/gis/ol_layers_georss.js * Popups for KML overlays * views/gis/ol_layers_kml.js * Unzip KMZ layers * GeoRSS Export * Basic working already....need JOINed layers as per KML * WMS Caps Browser * Image layers * KML Import * GeoRSS Import * Load GIS data * TMS layer for new [http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/01/haiti-imagery-layer-now-available.html GeoEye imagery] * http://www.geonames.org/search.html?q=&country=HT * http://www.fallingrain.com/world/HA/ * Admin * Show in List View for Auth Users whether their account is enabled/disabled/pending * /orgs/admin/users/1 * Filter the list of users to just those *not* in the role already * Change Password Reset to take users to a password reset page instead of just emailing a new password? * More secure * Upstream in Web2Py (Massimo done: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/735601df6311eb3e# ) * Needs Testing/Integrating * RSS news feed on frontpage * [http://alertnet.org/thenews/rss/index.xml?nv\x3d0\x26amp;fb_countrycodes\x3d216174\x26amp;fb_emergencycodes\x3dHT_QUAKE\x26amp;lite\x3d1 AlertNet] ---- [wiki:Haiti Haiti]