[wiki:Haiti] ---- == Haiti PDF == flavour coordinating * Fix the base PDF generation in {{{models/01_RESTlike_controller.py}}}'s {{{export_pdf()}}} as they currently look awful (& hence aren't exposed to users by hiding it in {{{views/formats.html}}})! * /module/resource.pdf * Provide a Filter option exposed to users so they can print just the Contacts for a particular Organisation * Ideally a generic routine, but then a [wiki:RESTController#Options custom one can be added] via {{{response.s3.pdf}}} variable being set in the Controller before invoking the {{{shn_rest_controller()}}} to make it really pretty See: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahana/+bug/508654 * "generate a contact list for specific orgs as a PDF" * BluePrintReporting * We currently use Geraldo for PDF creation, but it's not well-maintained & has issues, so we should either switch to Pisa or dropdown to raw ReportLab (with our own custom classes on top). * We do this already for the OCR PDF generation. NB We're currently having problems getting Geraldo working on Prod server at all, so test offline on your own instance for now... ---- [wiki:Haiti]