[wiki:Haiti] == Haiti PDF == flavour coordinating * Fix the base PDF generation in {{{models/01_RESTlike_controller.py}}}'s {{{export_pdf()}}} as they currently look awful (& hence aren't exposed to users by hiding it in {{{views/formats.html}}})! * /module/resource.pdf * Provide a Filter option exposed to users so they can print just the Contacts for a particular Organisation * Ideally a generic routine, but then a [wiki:RESTController#Options custom one can be added] via {{{response.s3.pdf}}} variable being set in the Controller before invoking the {{{shn_rest_controller()}}} to make it really pretty See: * https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahana/+bug/508654 * "generate a contact list for specific orgs as a PDF" * BluePrintReporting * We currently use Geraldo for PDF creation, but it has issues, so we should consider either switching to Pisa or dropping down to raw ReportLab (with our own custom classes on top). * We do this already for the OCR PDF generation. NB We're currently having [http://pastebin.com/d3ac2aad1 problems] getting Geraldo (0.3.6 & 0.3.9) working on Prod Debian server at all, so test offline on your own instance for now...works fine on my local Win32 ---- [wiki:Haiti]