Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of HaitiRMSToDo

01/20/10 08:51:12 (15 years ago)
Nico Presto



  • HaitiRMSToDo

    v32 v33  
    1717=== STATUS ===
    18 production (100117@11:00CT)
    19   * form to view sms feeds from Ushahidi
     18'''production (100120@02:45CT)'''
     19  * view with sms feeds from Ushahidi
    2020   * disabled personal information fields (fname, lname, phone_num)
     21  * with with twitter feeds from TtT
     22  * SMS alerts on map viewer
     23  * pledge system with simple flat-table extending sms feeds table
     24  * ServerSidePagination
    22 development(100118@4:34CT)
    23   * SMS alerts
    24   * pledge system with simple flat-table extending sms feeds table
     26'''development (100118@4:34CT)'''
     27  * in production
    26 experimental (100118@4:34CT)
    27   * ~~Added first draft of rms to launchpad branch (~uwthw/sahana/rms)~~(100117@02:30)
    28   * Update draft of rms to launchpad branch (~uwthw/sahana/rms) (100119@07:30)
    29   * ~~4 tables request_aid, request_item, pledge_aid, pledge_item~~
     29'''experimental (100118@4:34CT)'''
     30  * launchpad branch (~uwthw/sahana/rms)
    3031  * 3 tables request_aid, pledge_aid, match - building controllers/views
    3334  * build logic for matching pledge and request (PRIORITY)
    3435   * match table that links request_item_id with pledge_item_id
    35    * percent completion (as pie graph) calculated from quantity and unit
    36   * add multiple pledge items to pledge form (joined resource commented out in branch)
     36   * percent completion (as pie graph) of pledge
     37  * pledge dashboard showing multiple pledge items by pledge organization (joined resource commented out in branch)
     38  * icon showing status of pledge (red = unpledged, green = pledged)
    3739  * standardize this wiki page with the other project pages (FB: No big need. This is Temp status...move longer-term goodness to [wiki:UserGuidelinesRMS UserGuidelinesRMS])
    38   * ServerSidePagination will be needed as we collect more data
    39   * add logs
    40   * Draft script for Cron job of GeoRSS feed from Tweak the Tweet is in applications/sahana/cron/
    41    * ToDO check why it only collects a single record
    42    * TODO change to the 50-record pagination once enabled at the server
    43    * TODO split feed into 2 tables: #offer & #help
     40  * feed from Tweak the Tweet split feed into 2 tables: #offer & #help
     41  * report generating functionality assings id (alpha, beta,...) to pledges every ~6 hours to facilitate tracking by relief organizations
    4443 * Bugs need triaging/fixing:
    4544  * #78
    52 === DONE ===
    53 (100117 @15:32 CT)
    55   * Script for Cron job of GeoRSS feed from Ushahidi is in applications/sahana/cron/
    56    * ~~TODO write check for duplicates in guid~~
    57    * ~~TODO change RSS feed to short feed~~
    58    * ~~TODO get access to older Ushahidi logs~~ (used short feed)
    59    * ~~TODO scrape additional data from Ushahidi link in each record (e.g. category)~~ (used short feed)
    60    * ~~TODO Cron job timing decision and command to be written~~ (uncomment in cron to run every 5 min)
    61    * ~~customize sms form to filter/sort & remove add functionality~~
    62   * ~~capability to select requests to fulfill for pledge~~
    6350=== LOGS ===