Changes between Version 35 and Version 36 of HaitiRMSToDo

01/22/10 15:25:54 (15 years ago)
Nico Presto



  • HaitiRMSToDo

    v35 v36  
    1212 *
    14 '''Comments''' We pushed a simple pledge system to dev. We'll be changing it soon to accommodate new feeds and improve database design.
     14'''Comments:''' it would be nice if RMS had 4 tabs: ("request aid", "view requests/make pledge", "administer pledges", "search requests")
    1616=== STATUS ===
    17 '''production (100121@12:15UTC)'''
     17'''production (100122@15:30UTC)'''
    1818  * view with sms feeds from Ushahidi
    19    * disabled personal information fields (fname, lname, phone_num)
    2019  * view with twitter feeds from TtT
    21   * SMS alerts on map viewer
    22   * pledge system with simple flat-table extending sms feeds table
    23   * ServerSidePagination
    25 '''development (100118@4:34CT)'''
     20  * SMS alerts on map viewer (need repair)
     21  * pledge system with pledges as component and requests as resource
     22  * ServerSidePagination (currently disabled due to filtering problems)
     25'''development (100122@15:34CT)'''
    2626  * in production
    28 '''experimental (100121@12:15UTC)'''
     28'''experimental (100122@15:345UTC)'''
    2929  * launchpad branch (~uwthw/sahana/rms)
    30   * 2 tables request_aid, pledge_aid - building controllers/views
    3232=== TODO ===
    33   * build logic for matching pledge and request (PRIORITY)             
    34    * percent completion (as pie graph) of pledge
    35   * pledge dashboard showing multiple pledge items by pledge organization (joined resource commented out in branch)
    36   * icon showing status of pledge set with represent (red = unpledged, green = pledged)
     34  * re-enable server side pagination
     35  * Administer pledges dashboard showing multiple pledge items by pledge organization (joined resource commented out in branch)
    3736  * start moving docs to [wiki:UserGuidelinesRMS UserGuidelinesRMS])
    3837  * feed from Tweak the Tweet split feed into 2 tables: #offer & #help
    39   * report generating functionality assings id (alpha, beta,...) to pledges every ~6 hours to facilitate tracking by relief organizations
     38  * report generating functionality assigns id (alpha, beta,...) to pledges every ~6 hours to facilitate tracking by relief organizations
     39  * closed-loop RSS feed back to feed sources - showing request fulfilled (Ushahidi/TtT)
     40  * allow options for filtering by category/priority/fulfilled/city/type
     41  * test/repair "search requests"
     44  * repair sms feeds in map view
     45  * icon showing status of pledge set with represent (red = unpledged, green = pledged)
    4046  * connect comment fields to each pledge for follow-up and record keeping by the pledge donors. This table is commented out and can be connected as a component.
     47  * change representation of "make pledge" to a button
     48  * remove persistence of the add request form at the top of View Requests/Make Pledges
     49  * add a separate tab for "request aid"
    4252=== Strategy ===
    43 We decided to combine the requests from different feeds into one table via the cron script. This has the benefit of transitioning from the current prod pledge system without changing the current tables. Also it means that feeds are stored "as is" for posterity. The origins are tracked with source (e.g. sms, tweet) and source id (ushahidi ID and TtTid). The source ids are necessary to close the loop with these groups by sending back info on which requests have been filled. The con is that there is duplication among tables.
     53We decided to combine the requests from different feeds into one table via the cron script. This has the benefit of transitioning from the previous prod pledge system without changing the current tables. Also it means that feeds are stored "as is" for posterity. The origins are tracked with source (e.g. sms, tweet) and source id (ushahidi ID and TtTid). The source ids are necessary to close the loop with these groups by sending back info on which requests have been filled. The con is that there is duplication among tables.
    4555 * Bugs need triaging/fixing: