Changes between Version 117 and Version 118 of InstallationGuidelines/Amazon

02/21/18 14:38:38 (7 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • InstallationGuidelines/Amazon

    v117 v118  
    2121* Bandwidth transfers are free within an Availability Zone
    23 === 3: Launch a new Instance ===
     23=== 3: Launch Instance ===
     24This is a blue button in the EC2 Dashboard
    2526=== 4: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ===
    26 * '''Recommend''' using the AWS Marketplace Debian 9 64-bit image (as this has a sufficiently large HDD to start with & is EBS-backed, so has persistent storage even whilst powered down)
    27 - altermnately can use Community AMIs, select Debian OS, use latest debian-stretch-amd64-hvm image, which supports the new T2.micro free tier instances
     27* '''Recommend''' using the AWS Marketplace and selecting the Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch) image
     28- alternatively it is possible to use Community AMIs, use latest debian-stretch-amd64-hvm image, which supports the new T2.micro free tier instances
    2829* In time we may provide pre-built "Sahana Eden" AMIs (some old unmaintained ones may be available in some regions)
    2931=== 5: Choose an Instance Type ===
    3436=== 6: Configure Instance Details ===
    35 Default settings are fine for "Configure Instance Details" and "Add Storage" configuration pages.
    37 === 7: Create !KeyPair ===
     37Default settings are fine, except you should open the 'Advanced Details' at the bottom & paste the contents of the file into the User Data section:
     40If you leave this unedited then this will install a Setup tool which will allow you to configure your Sahana Eden instance through a GUI
     41- however this is currently still in development.
     43Meanwhile you should delete the last 2 lines & edit the line to select the template that you wish to run & to set your site's Public DNS, so the last line should be:
     45bash mytemplate myhostname.mydomain
     48=== 7: Add Storage, Add Tags ===
     49Default settings are fine.
     51=== 8: Configure Security Group ===
     52'Select existing' to avoid the confusion caused by having multiple groups.
     54=== 9: Create !KeyPair ===
    3855Ensure that you keep the generated private key as {{{private.pem}}}.  You will need this file to log into your instance.
    40 === 8: Associate Elastic IP ===
    41 Each time you start an instance up, it will be assigned a new IP ('Public DNS') although this can be overcome using an Elastic IP:
    43 1. NETWORK & SECURITY > Elastic IPs
    44 2. Allocate New Address
    45 3. Associate Address. Set the instance to your new instance
    47 Remember to set up Reverse DNS for your Elastic IP to be able to send emails reliably:
    48 *
    50 NB If you have a free EC2 instance, be sure to release your Elastic IP if you shut down your instance. IPv4 addresses are a "scarce resource" so Amazon will charge you for wasting one if you keep it assigned to your instance while you are not using it.
    52 === 9: Configure Security Group ===
     57=== 10: Configure Security Group ===
    5358NETWORK & SECURITY > Security Groups
    5863Restricting the source will add further security, but obviously also restricts your ability to administer
    60 === 10: Gain SSH access ===
     65=== 11: Associate Elastic IP ===
     66Each time you start an instance up, it will be assigned a new IP ('Public DNS') although this can be overcome using an Elastic IP:
     681. NETWORK & SECURITY > Elastic IPs
     692. Allocate New Address
     703. Associate Address. Set the instance to your new instance
     72Remember to set up Reverse DNS for your Elastic IP to be able to send emails reliably:
     75NB If you have a free EC2 instance, be sure to release your Elastic IP if you shut down your instance. IPv4 addresses are a "scarce resource" so Amazon will charge you for wasting one if you keep it assigned to your instance while you are not using it.
     77=== 12: Gain SSH access ===
    6178In order to get the public key (needed by SecureCRT for instance) then you need to login using CLI & retrieve it (username 'admin' for the AWS !MarketPlace Debian, username 'root' for some other Images):