315 | | In the next step, select the instance of your choice. The t1.micro instance is a good choice if you're eligible for Free Tier. |
316 | | |
317 | | Next, in the Configure Instance pane, expand the Advanced Details tab and enter the contents of https://github.com/gnarula/eden_playbook/blob/master/user-data.sh in the User-Data field. |
318 | | |
319 | | Moving on to Step 6, create a new security group with a rule for SSH and HTTP as shown in the screenshot below. |
| 315 | * In the next step, select the instance depending on your requirements. |
| 316 | |
| 317 | * Next, in the Configure Instance pane, expand the Advanced Details tab and enter the contents of https://github.com/gnarula/eden_playbook/blob/master/user-data.sh in the User-Data field. |
| 318 | [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/InstallationGuidelines/Amazon/UserData.png, 75%)]] |
| 319 | |
| 320 | * Create a new security group with a rule for SSH and HTTP and Port 8000 as shown in the screenshot below. |
323 | | Finally, review the configuration and launch the instance. You'll be prompted to select an existing key pair or generate a new one. In case you're a new user or you don't have access to your key, generate a new keypair, save it and proceed. |
324 | | |
325 | | That's it! Your new instance will have Eden Installed and set up for it to be used as a master node in future deployments. Do note that the deployment takes some time (~10-12 minutes) even after the Web UI states the instance as "Running". Logs for the process may be found by sshing into the newly created instance with your key and viewing /var/log/user-data.log and /var/log/syslog |
326 | | |
327 | | Note that the script generates a random password for the PostgreSQL database and that is automatically saved in 000_config.py during the setup. |
| 324 | * Finally, review the configuration and launch the instance. You'll be prompted to select an existing key pair or generate a new one. In case you're a new user or you don't have access to your key, generate a new keypair, save it and proceed. |
| 325 | |
| 326 | That's it! The instance will have Deployment Coapp Installed and may be used to install Eden on that instance or any other remote servers. Do note that the installation takes some time (~5 minutes) even after the EC2 Web UI states the instance as "Running". The Coapp may be accessed by browsing to http://instance-public-ip:8000/ |
| 327 | |
| 328 | Logs for the process may be found by sshing into the newly created instance with your key and viewing /var/log/user-data.log and /var/log/syslog |
| 329 | |