= Amazon EC2 = Amazon's Cloud provides a flexible platform to deploy Eden scalably. The costs aren't fixed & can be difficult to predict, despite their [http://aws.amazon.com/calculator calculator], but are competitive, especially in Singapore, which is a good base for the Asia Pacific region. == Regions & Zones == Amazon supports multiple Regions in order to provide a service closest to your users. * Namespaces of Instances, Volumnes & Snapshots are unique only within a Region. * Within each Region, there are a couple of Availability Zones to allow spreading the risk across different facilities. * Volumes are located within a specific Availability Zone * Bandwidth transfers are free within an Availability Zone == Instance Size == * The free starter 'micro' instance is flexible as it can run both 32-bit & 64-bit Operating Systems. * The normal production 'small' instance can only run 32-bit. * Larger production instances can only run 64-bit, so can't have the exact same image used. * The community Debian Squeeze AMI seems a fine base & attached scripts turn this into an Eden instance == Instance Persistence == * EBS-backed instances have persistent storage even whilst powered down, which is very useful. * For DB I/O performance increase can stripe multiple EBS * monitoring data available to see if this is the issue * Each time you start an instance up, it will be assigned a new IP ('Public DNS') although this can be overcome using an Elastic IP == Authentication == This can provide an early stumbling block. * Each instance created needs to start with a unique SSH keypair * When setting up an instance, be sure to safely download the private key. * In order to get the public key (needed by SecureCRT for instance) then you need to login using CLI & retireve it: {{{ ssh -l root -i private.pem cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys }}} SecureCRT needs the private key storing as & the public as (all on one line) == CLI Management == There are extensive CLI tools available to manipulate your instances. * Java CLI for Windows/Linux * http://aws.amazon.com/developertools/351 * http://serktools.com/2009/05/19/setting-up-ec2-command-line-tools-on-windows/ * http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/CommandLineReference/ * Python: http://libcloud.apache.org == Growing Storage == 1Gb EBS is too small for Eden - need to grow to 3Gb {{{ # --region ap-southeast-1 set EC2_URL=https://ec2.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com # Stop Host ec2stop i-c75af292 # Create a snapshot ec2-create-snapshot vol-e189e88c # Create new volume from snapshot ec2-create-volume -z ap-southeast-1b --size 3 --snapshot snap-63f89d08 # Attach new volume as secondary ec2-attach-volume -i i-c75af292 vol-a9c2a3c4 -d /dev/sdb1 # Start Host ec2start i-c75af292 ec2-describe-instances # Login (Remember different IP!) mkdir /mnt/data echo '/dev/xvdb1 /mnt/data ext3 defaults,noatime 0 0' >> /etc/fstab mount /mnt/data resize2fs /dev/xvdb1 umount /mnt/data # Stop Host ec2stop i-c75af292 # Unattach volumes ec2-detach-volume -i i-c75af292 vol-e189e88c ec2-detach-volume -i i-c75af292 vol-a9c2a3c4 # Attach volume as boot ec2-attach-volume -i i-c75af292 vol-a9c2a3c4 -d /dev/sda1 # Start Host ec2start i-c75af292 ec2-describe-instances # Login (Remember different IP!) df -h }}} Keep Templates as EBS Volumes as this is cheaper than Snapshots