Version 14 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Installation Guidelines: Linux - Developer (Manual)
Examples are shown for Debian-based systems.
Install Python
The latest Python 2.7 version is currently recommended.
For Debian-based systems like Ubuntu:
sudo su - apt-get install python2.7
Install Python Libraries
Linux users should generally use the packages provided for their specific distribution, where available.
- lxml for XML export/import
- Shapely for GIS Features
- ReportLab for PDF output
- PIL Python Image Library for PDFs
- dateutil
On Debian-based systems, like Ubuntu:
sudo su - apt-get install python-lxml apt-get install python-shapely apt-get install python-reportlab apt-get install python-imaging apt-get install python-dateutil
- xlwt for XLS output:
apt-get install python-xlwt
- xlrd for XLS output & reading spreadsheets (used by survey to import data held on a spreadsheet)
apt-get install python-xlrd
- numpy required by matplotlib
- SciPy required for S3Cube
- MatPlotLib for charts (used in the Survey & Delphi applications & for the S3Cube pivottable reports)
- setuptools for installing tweepy
- tweepy python library to interact with twitter
- Pyserial for SMS Features
- MySQLDB for accessing MySQL databases:
apt-get install python-mysqldb
- Psycopg for accessing PostgreSQL databases:
apt-get install python-psycopg2
Install git
We use the git Distributed Version Control System. It is available on the most package servers. The package name on Ubuntu and Debian (apt-get/aptitude) is "git-core", for the most distibutions using rpm, like Fedora or RHEL, it is just "git".
If you want to develop using the "forks"-feature of GitHub (which are basically branches - but in your own repository) or by commiting code directly to the eden repository, you have to create a GitHub account. After that you can setup your git by configuring your SSH keys and accountdata. A pretty good tutorial is available at the GitHub-Manual.
Install Web2Py & Sahana: