
Version 4 (modified by Pat Tressel, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Installation Guidelines: Linux - Developer (Manual)

Examples are shown for Debian-based systems.

Install Python

The latest Python 2.7 version is currently recommended.

  • apt-get install python2.7

Install Python Libraries

Linux users should generally use the packages provided for their specific distribution, where available.


  • lxml for XML export/import: apt-get install python-lxml
  • Shapely for GIS Features: apt-get install python-shapely
  • ReportLab for PDF output: apt-get install python-reportlab
  • PIL Python Image Library for PDFs: apt-get install python-imaging
  • dateutil: apt-get install python-dateutil


  • xlwt for XLS output: apt-get install python-xlwt
  • numpy required by matplotlib
  • SciPy required for S3Cube
  • MatPlotLib for charts (used in the Survey application & for the S3Cube pivottable reports)
  • PyTZ for Timezone awareness
  • PyWURFL for Browser Capabilities (unused currently)

Install Bzr

We use the Bazaar Distributed Version Control System

  • apt-get install bzr


Install Web2Py & Sahana:

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