
Version 2 (modified by Pat Tressel, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Installation Guidelines: Linux - Developer

As a Developer running Linux, you have 2 choices:

  • Install VirtualBox & run a Virtual Machine which includes a pre-configured Eclipse on an Ubuntu OS
    This is appropriate for getting started quickly, as browser and IDE setup has been done. The virtual machine itself will need some setup. Installing directly on your machine may be a better choice if you are interested in doing long-term Eden development.

Install Python

2.7 is currently recommended. (2.6 works for all core functionality, but doesn't allow you to use the S3Cube pivot table functions)

Install Python Libraries

Linux users should generally use Operating System Packages, where available. Examples are shown for Debian-based systems


  • lxml for XML export/import: apt-get install python-lxml
  • Shapely for GIS Features: apt-get install python-shapely
  • ReportLab for PDF output: apt-get install python-reportlab
  • PIL Python Image Library for PDFs: apt-get install python-imaging
  • dateutil: apt-get install python-dateutil


  • xlwt for XLS output: apt-get install python-xlwt
  • numpy required by matplotlib
  • SciPy required for S3Cube
  • MatPlotLib for charts (used in the Survey application & for the S3Cube pivottable reports)
  • PyTZ for Timezone awareness
  • PyWURFL for Browser Capabilities (unused currently)

Install Bzr

We use the Bazaar Distributed Version Control System

  • apt-get install bzr


Install Web2Py & Sahana:

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.