= Installation Guidelines: Linux (Production: Apache/MySQL) = [[TOC]] Production Installs that are maintained by others are usually installed with Apache & MySQL. * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI Apache] is a well-supported & flexible web server which can run Sahana well through mod_WSGI * [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/MySQL MySQL] is a well-supported database with an easy-to-use Admin UI (phpMyAdmin) The simplest way to install is using our installation scripts. These assume that you are installing on Debian Stable (7 'Wheezy'). * Ubuntu will be similar, although you may need to tweak the setup (e.g. different MySQL version) * There are notes on installing on RedHat-based systems here, although these aren't as well-maintained: [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/RedHat] This is split into 2 halves, as the 1st script can create a base image which is then customised per-instance using the configure script. Note: We currently install using the latest Trunk version Eden...so there may be occasional glitches. == Before Imaging == (Note: This assumes that Apache has been installed in its default location on Debian or Ubuntu, which puts the apache2ctl, a2enmod, a2ensite, and a2dissite binaries in /usr/sbin. This will differ on other Linux distros -- see [https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DistrosDefaultLayout Apache distro layout] for the appropriate path for these binaries on other distros.) [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sahana/eden_deploy_manual/master/install-eden-apache-mysql.sh install-eden-apache-mysql.sh] [[Include(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sahana/eden_deploy_manual/master/install-eden-apache-mysql.sh, text/plain)]] == After Imaging == [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sahana/eden_deploy_manual/master/configure-eden-apache-mysql.sh configure-eden-apache-mysql.sh] [[Include(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sahana/eden_deploy_manual/master/configure-eden-apache-mysql.sh, text/plain)]] == Next == If you wish to update your site from an alternate github repo this can be done using: * ConfigurationGuidelines#SwitchtoanalternateGitHubrepo Administration Guide: * [wiki:UserGuidelines/Admin Administration Guide]