= Installation Guidelines: Linux (Production) = Whilst any Linux distribution should be suitable, we use & hence support Debian v6 'Squeeze'. This is best installed using the [http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/ netinst] CD image. Default settings can be accepted, although we would recommend a dedicated partition for /var/log to reduce the possibility of a Denial of Service attack. It is not recommended to install a graphical desktop, so this should be de-selected. The easiest way to install onto Debian is to use the scripts which we've developed. If you wish to do a manual install, then you may use these parts of these scripts as guidance (they are suitably commented). The scripts can be uploaded to the server using [http://winscp.net WinSCP]. All administration can be done using [http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe PuTTY]. We support either: * [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/ApacheMySQL Apache/MySQL] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/CherokeePostgreSQL Cherokee/PostgreSQL] We support either of these on Amazon's EC2 * [InstallationGuidelines/Amazon Amazon EC2] Other combinations are, of course, possible, but we don't provide installation scripts for these. * ConfigurationGuidelines * MaintenanceGuidelines * TroubleShooting * SysAdmin * [wiki:GIS#Tools GIS Tools] == Notes == Here are a few notes on other platforms which should work, but which aren't supported by us: * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModPython Apache with mod_python] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModProxy Apache with mod_proxy] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheCGI Apache with CGI] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheFastCGI Apache with FastCGI] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesLighttpd Lighttpd] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesNginx nginx] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGoogleAppEngine GoogleAppEngine]