Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of InstallationGuidelines/VirtualMachine

11/12/11 09:46:07 (13 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • InstallationGuidelines/VirtualMachine

    v31 v32  
    22= Installation Guidelines: Virtual Machine =
     4'''''GHC Codeathon participants! If you are using a virtual machine image supplied at the event from a flash drive, don't use this page -- this is for the non-GHC generic virtual machine image. Instead, go over [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/VirtualMachineGHC here].'''''
    46The most convenient way to get up and running is to use a pre-configured development kit -- a complete operating system that's been set up to include all the required code and tools, and saved as an image of the system's disk -- and run this "virtual system" (sometimes called an "appliance") in a "virtual machine" (VM). The virtual machine runs as an application on your machine -- the "host" machine -- and emulates a separate computer -- the "guest" machine. You won't have to install anything but the virtual machine directly on your system. (We're including the official virtual machine jargon in case you need to read virtual machine documentation. We'll use "VM" to refer to the guest virtual machine. The virtual machine "manager" will be the tool that is used to configure and start your VM.)
    68== Get the Sahana Eden development kit image ==
    8  * Download the current '''[ virtual machine image]'''. Size is about 1GB.
    10  * The downloaded file is compressed -- uncompress it as follows. (You should end up with a directory with a name like "Eden Dev Env".)
    11   * On Windows, a good tool for (un)compressing is '''[ 7-Zip]'''.
    12   * On Linux / Unix, do: [[br]]
    13     {{{tar xzf filename.tar.gz}}}[[br]]
    14     using the actual downloaded filename in place of filename.tar.gz.
     10 * Download the current '''[ virtual machine image]'''. Size is about 1GB.
    1612== Install !VirtualBox ==
    2824 * Give !VirtualBox Manager the image to run:
    2925  * Select File -> Import Appliance.
    30   * Click the Choose button. Navigate into the Eden Dev Env directory and select the .ovf file).
     26  * Click the Choose button. Navigate to the EdenDevEnv.ova file and select it.
    3127  * Click Next (or Open, for a Mac).
    3228  * (Do not uncheck any options on the appliance options form.)
    3329  * Click Import.
    35 == Start the virtual machine ==
    37 On the left side of the !VirtualBox Manager GUI, you should see your new "Eden Dev Env" virtual machine.
    39  * Double-click the virtual machine entry to start it.
    40  * The Login screen should appear. User is ''dev'' and password is ''EastOfEden''.
    41  * After you're logged in, the Eclipse IDE will start -- ignore it for the moment.
    43 == Change your password. ==
    45  * Start a terminal window by double-clicking the LXTerminal icon.
    46  * To change your password, type {{{passwd}}} and follow the instructions.
    4831== Connect to the network ==
    5538 * Under that, for "Name", select the appropriate network interface, e.g. wireless if that's what you're using. (Keep this setting in mind -- you may need to change it if you sometimes use a wired network, and sometimes wireless.)
     40== Start the virtual machine ==
     42On the left side of the !VirtualBox Manager GUI, you should see your new "Eden Dev Env" virtual machine.
     44 * Double-click the virtual machine entry to start it.
     45 * The Login screen should appear. User is ''dev'' and password is ''eden''.
     46 * After you're logged in, the Eclipse IDE will start -- ignore it for the moment.
     48== If desired, change the dev password. ==
     50 * Start a terminal window by double-clicking the LXTerminal icon.
     51 * To change your password, type {{{passwd}}} and follow the instructions.
    5753== After logging in... ==
    59 === Eclipse ===
    60 Some Eclipse and !PyDev configuration is needed in the current image. (This is temporary -- this section will be removed when an image is uploaded that has a configured Eclipse included.)
    61  * DeveloperGuidelinesEclipse#Configuration
     55The Eclipse IDE will start automatically.
    63 === Updating Web2py, Eden, and the operating system ===
     57=== For the GHC Codeathon only ===
    65 '''''GHC Codeathon participants, take note! You don't need to update anything -- skip this.'''''
     59'''''If you're not participating in the GHC Codeathon using the shared Launchpad branch, do not do this.'''''
     61=== Not for the GHC Codeathon, optionally update Web2py, Eden, and the operating system ===
     63'''''GHC Codeathon participants using the downloaded generic virtual machine image, take note! You don't need to update anything -- skip this.'''''
    6765The Eden code is updated (much) more frequently than is the VM image, so the Eden branch supplied in the image will be out of date.  So, too, will be Web2py and the Linux distribution, but those will typically not need frequent updating. We recommend only updating Eden unless you know that new versions of the others are needed.