Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of InstallationGuidelines/VirtualMachine

11/06/11 14:49:52 (13 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • InstallationGuidelines/VirtualMachine

    v6 v7  
    2727 * Run the installer (by whatever means is appropriate for your system).
    2828  * Let it install all features.
    29   * The installation will temporarily disconnect your machine from the network -- take appropriate action if you are running something that can't tolerate that.
     29  * The installation will temporarily disconnect your machine from the network -- take appropriate action before letting the installer proceed if you are running something that can't tolerate that.
    3131== Import the image into the virtual machine ==
    7878That will set the administration password to "admin".  When Web2py is started from Eclipse, it uses a command that is set when Eclipse is configured -- that will be covered later.
    80 Although it's usually good to get security updates for the operating system and applications, updating may lead to incompatibilities with other software, and has been known to render the system unusable. So do the following only if you know there is a security issue, and not when you're in the middle of something critical.[[br]]
     80=== File locations ===
     81Web2py is located in /home/web2py. Eden is located in /home/web2py/applications/eden. Eclipse and PyDev are preconfigured with this information.
     83=== Updating Web2py, Eden, and the operating system ===
     84/usr/local/bin contains three helpful scripts. To run them, start a terminal window and enter the commands below. They are in the path, so may be executed from any working directory.
     86==== Update web2py ====
     87On occasion, the latest revision of Web2py is not stable. Check the topic in the #sahana-eden IRC channel on freenode for the latest known-safe revision.
     88To update Web2py to the latest revision:
     92To update to a specific revision, do the following with nnnn replaced by the revision you want.
     94update_web2py nnnn
     97==== Update Eden ====
     98You will almost certainly want the latest revision of Eden.
     100update_eden # updates Eden to current revision
     102If, for some reason, you need a specific revision, do the following with nnnn replaced by the revision you want:
     104update_eden nnnn # updates Eden to revision nnnn
     107==== Optionally update the operating system ====
     108Although it's usually good advice to update the operating system and applications to pick up security fixes, updating may lead to incompatibilities with other software, and has been known to render the system unusable. So do the following only if you know there is a security issue, and not when you're in the middle of something critical.[[br]]
    81109Log in as ''dev'' and execute the following:
    87 === File locations ===
    88 Web2py is located in /home/web2py. Eden is located in /home/web2py/applications/eden. Eclipse and PyDev are preconfigured with this information.
    90 === Scripts ===
    91 /usr/local/bin contains three helpful scripts. To run them, start a terminal window and enter the commands below. They are in all users' paths, so may be executed from any working directory.
    92 ==== Update web2py ====
    93 Enter the command with or without a revision number, as demonstrated below:
    94 {{{
    95 update_web2py 2717 # updates web2py to revision 2717
    96 update_web2py # updates web2py to current revision
    97 }}}
    98 ==== Update Eden ====
    99 {{{
    100 update_eden 1560 # updates Eden to revision 1560
    101 update_eden # updates Eden to current revision
    102 }}}
    104 ==== Web2Py shell ====
    105 Launch a Web2py shell in the Eden environment (apologies for the oddly named script).
     115=== Web2Py shell ===
     116One can get a Python command line with the Web2py and Eden environments loaded with this script (apologies for the odd name):
     120This executes the {{{python ...}}} command shown previously.
    110122=== Eclipse ===
    111 Configure the included !Eclipse/PyDev:
     123Some parts of the Eclipse and !PyDev configuration need to be done after startup:
    112124 * DeveloperGuidelinesEclipse#Configuration
    117128== Notes ==
    121132The development environment is configured to launch [ LXDE], a lightweight desktop environment after the first boot. From LXDE, Eclipse with Pydev, Firefox with Firebug, iPython and irssi are accessible.
    124 ----
    125134Procedure for making a new virtual machine image: