= Installation Guidelines: Windows - Developer (Installer) = [[TOC]] If you are a Developer running Windows and wishing to install Python & all dependent libraries locally then this installer provides quick installation of Python and all required dependencies required. You can also install the individual packages [InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Developer/Manual manually]. It is designed for use by Developers. * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/Eden-Python-Installer-Dev.exe (143Mb) Includes everything you need to start working with (and on) Eden: * Python-2.7.5.msi * lxml-2.3.win32-py2.7.exe * Shapely-1.2.18.win32-py2.7.exe * pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe * xlrd-0.7.9.win32.exe * xlwt-0.7.3.win32.exe * PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.7.exe * reportlab-2.7.win32-py2.7.exe * pyserial-2.5.win32.exe * ipython-0.13.1.py2-win32-PROPER.exe * pyreadline-1.7.1.win32.exe * dateutil-1.5.tar.gz * tweepy-2.1.tar.gz * web2py 2.7.4 (2013-10-23 20:13:43) * eden (2013-10-24 16:10:52) === Start Eden === Once you've run the installer, and you just want to try your installation of Eden, without Eclipse, you can start web2py from the command line: {{{ cd C:\\web2py C:\Python27\python.exe web2py.py }}} N.B: Obviously replace Python27 with your own version of Python. Or if you prefer, you can start it from the GUI (Graphical User Interface):[[BR]] Click Start > My Computer.[[BR]] Browse to the directory with "web2py.py" and the Eden program inside.[[BR]] Double click the web2py.py file - this should start up web2py, which will look something similar to this: [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Developer/Installer/web2py_1.jpg)]] Enter a one time admin password and hit "start server". Then you can go open in your internet browser to run Sahana Eden. === Getting the latest revision === 1. Sign-up for an account on [https://github.com GitHub] 1. Set up git on your computer by following [[http://help.github.com/set-up-git-redirect|these instructions]].[[BR]] 1. Update your local repository from Github: {{{ cd web2py\applications\eden git pull }}} === Set Your Repository to be able Contribute === See: wiki:DeveloperGuidelines/Git#SetUpEnvironment 1. Update your configuration file. (This is something you may need to check when you update your copy of Eden from Github.) 1. Delete models\0000_update_check.py 1. Rename models\000_config.py to something else. 1. Start Eden as above -- you'll get a message saying a new 000_config.py was copied in. 1. Edit that file. Compare with your saved old copy of 000_config.py and make any changes you need in the new one. 1. These might include: 1. Delete the FINISHED_EDITING_CONFIG_FILE line. 1. Set the database type and connection info. 1. Set up a mailer. 1. Choose the template and prepopulate folders. === Next: === === Install Eclipse === If you want a graphical debugger and full-featured IDE to set breakpoints & step through code then it is recommended to install Eclipse: * DeveloperGuidelines/Eclipse === Developer Guidelines === Now, see how to put your installation to work: * DeveloperGuidelines == Maintenance == * [InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Developer/Installer/Maintenance Maintenance Docs]