= Maintenance of the End-user Windows Installer = End-user Instructions: InstallationGuidelinesWindows * Clean the Eden folder (databases/errors/sessions/uploads) * Clean the admin folder (sessions) * Have your web2py folder on the root of c:\ {{{ c: cd \web2py copy applications\eden\static\scripts\tools\standalone_exe.py . c:\bin\python26\python standalone_exe.py py2exe }}} * Remove unwanted folders from dist/applications/eden * .bzr * .git * compiled * docs * tests * static/selenium * Add missing file & then run the program once to handle NEWINSTALL {{{ c: cd \web2py copy splashlogo.gif dist web2py.exe }}} * rename eden as 'init' * Delete the examples & welcome folders * Rename 'dist' folder as 'web2py' * Move this 'web2py' folder to c:\ * Zip-up contents of this 'webp2y' folder * Customise {{{C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\zip2exe\Modern.nsh}}}: {{{ !include "MUI.nsh" !define MUI_ICON "c:\web2py\applications\init\static\favicon.ico" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" Section "install" ;Add files SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" ;create desktop shortcut CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Sahana Eden.lnk" "$INSTDIR\web2py\web2py.exe" "" ;create start-menu shortcut CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Sahana Eden.lnk" "$INSTDIR\web2py\web2py.exe" SectionEnd }}} * use NSIS' {{{zip2exe.exe}}} to convert to an .exe * Installer Name: Sahana Eden 0.5.3 * Default Folder: (PATH OF INSTALLER)\web2py * Output EXE file: C:\Sahana-Eden-0.5.3.exe == !ToDo == * Provide a startup script which passes the password, so no need for the TK GUI * Is there an easy call to launch the default browser from a script? * Can be 'eden' then, which is good for consistency * Is it better to have a larger download & include the pre-populated database with migrate=False? * Is it better to have a larger download & include the compiled app? ---- [InstallationGuidelinesWindowsPythonInstaller Developer installer] BluePrintInstallerWindows