= Maintenance of the End-user Windows Installer = [[TOC]] End-user Instructions: InstallationGuidelines/Windows/User * Install [http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/ py2exe] * Move all applications, other than admin & eden, out of the applications/ folder * Clean the Eden folder (models/000_config.py, cache, databases, errors, sessions, static/cache, uploads) * Clean the admin folder (cache, errors & sessions) {{{ c: cd \web2py copy applications\eden\static\scripts\tools\standalone_exe.py . c:\bin\python27\python standalone_exe.py py2exe }}} * Ignore this error unless you are using LDAP: {{{ERROR:root:missing ldap, try "easy_install python-ldap"}}} * Remove unwanted files/folders from dist/applications/eden * .git * compiled * docs * languages/* (unused languages) * models/000_config.py should be copied fresh from templates/ and have the FINISHED_EDITING_CONFIG_FILE line commented and any other settings set (like template) * modules/test_utils * modules/tests * modules/unit_tests * modules/wurfl.py * private/templates/* (All unused templates) * static/scripts/ext/ext-all-debug.js * static/scripts/ext/ext-all-debug-w-comments.js * static/scripts/gis/GeoExt/.* * static/scripts/gis/openlayers/.* * static/scripts/tools/compiler.jar * static/themes/* (All unused templates, although keep default & bootstrap if using a theme based on that) * tests * Add missing file & then run the program once {{{ c: cd \web2py copy splashlogo.gif dist cd dist web2py.exe # Ignore any NEWINSTALL error, if seen }}} * Create routes.py as follows: {{{ default_application = 'eden' default_controller = 'default' default_function = 'index' }}} * Delete sahana-eden-setup.exe in the Web2Py Directory if it exists * Download: [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/attachment/wiki/InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Maintenance/end-user-setup-maintenance.zip] and copy the unpacked files to your dist dir * Download & install: [http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/nsis/nsis-2.46-setup.exe?download] * Open NSIS -> Compile NSI scripts -> File -> Load Script -> Select end-user-install.nsi in your dist dir -> OK * After a few seconds: The new sahana-eden-setup.exe should be in your dist directory * Test it! == !ToDo == * Get !ReportLab working: http://pastebin.com/CfzRE7Dg * Is it better to set migrate=False? (Less easy to add new modules) * Is it better to have a larger download & include the compiled app? * Remove all the Debug mode files? (Ext/GeoExt/OpenLayers/jQuery/UI/etc) ---- [InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Developer/Installer Developer installer] BluePrint/Installer/Windows