= Installation Guidelines: Windows - End-User = This is a very common use case for Emergency Management workers in the field with poor connectivity to central servers. It can be run on a Laptop or even on a USB stick. === Install Sahana-Eden === This installer is for End-Users: * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/downloads/sahana-eden-setup.exe (35Mb. Updated: 2012-10-27) The installer contains both - a Portable version (for USB pendrives and external harddrives) and a Local version to be installed on the built-in harddrive. Sahana Eden requires a minimum of ~ 80MB free space, although more is recommended. NOTE: PDF-Support (reportlab) is currently broken in the installer-version. If you need it you have to install Python and the dependencies and get the current Eden-version from the VCS, not recommended for unexperienced users. === Launch Sahana-Eden === * For the Local version: Either double-click on the shortcuts on your Desktop or the Startmenu or navigate to your installation directory and double-click on startweb2py.bat * For the Portable version: Either use the Autostart/USB menu if available on your Operating System (Windows XP or older) or run the start-eden.bat in the root directory of your portable drive. === Done! === * If not done automatically open a webbrowser and navigate to http://localhost/ === Configure as Windows Service (optional) === {{{ * Navigate to your Sahana Eden installation. * Right click on the options_std.py and rename it to options.py * Open the renamed file and set your settings in it. Save it afterwards. * Now navigate to the head-directory of your Eden Installation (if you installed it to C:\Users\Public\SahanaEden\ it would be C:\Users\Public\) * Shift + Right click on the SahanaEden-Folder and click "Open Command-Prompt here" * In the Command-Prompt type "web2py.exe -W install" * Done! }}} * http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/77 * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/733896d0aec07d3e * How the current installer was built: InstallationGuidelines/Windows/Maintenance * BluePrint/Installer/Windows