= Installation Guidelines: Windows - End-User = This is a very common use case for Emergency Management workers in the field with poor connectivity to central servers. It can be run on a Laptop or even on a USB stick. === Install Sahana-Eden === This installer is for End-Users - it includes Python, all necessary libraries, Web2Py & Eden (21Mb): * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/downloads/Sahana-Eden-0.5.4.exe Note: This Download is a very old version of Sahana. This installer needs updating. === Launch Sahana-Eden === * {{{c:\bin\web2py.exe}}} * Select a Password * 'click here for the administrative interface' * Enter same password === Done! === * === Configure as Windows Service (optional) === {{{ cd \path\to\web2py copy options_std.py web2py\options.py c:\python26\python web2py.py -W install }}} * http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/77 * http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/733896d0aec07d3e === Future Plans === We should provide an updated Installer which provides the user with the option of installing on either C: (with Start Menu icon) or a Flash Drive (with autorun.inf, favicon.ico & a sahana.cmd) * How the current installer was built: InstallationGuidelinesWindowsMaintenance * Notes on building Web2Py with current Python 2.7: PortableApplicationGenerator * BluePrintInstallerWindows