== Installation Guidelines == Sahana Eden can be installed in many different modes: * Developer * [InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper Main Operating System] * [InstallationGuidelinesVirtualMachine Virtual Machine] * Production * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi] (best-supported) * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesCherokee Cherokee] (well-supported) * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModPython Apache with mod_python] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModProxy Apache with mod_proxy] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheCGI Apache with CGI] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheFastCGI Apache with FastCGI] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesLighttpd Lighttpd] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesIIS IIS] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesNginx nginx] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Amazon Amazon] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGoogleAppEngine GoogleAppEngine] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesMySQL MySQL] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesPostgreSQL PostgreSQL] * 3rd-party Applications * [wiki:GIS#Tools GIS Data] * Tips * Don't install applications with a hyphen in the name: web2py doesn't like this * Don't use an underscore in application names -- mod_wsgi has trouble with this, and it may not be legal in URLs. * Sqlite: Don't run an interactive Web2Py shell at the same time as Prod users accessing DB * ConfigurationGuidelines * MaintenanceGuidelines * TroubleShooting