= Installation on MacOSX = === Download !SahanaPy === * http://launchpad.net/sahana/sahanapy/0.4/+download/web2py.app.sahana-0.4.w2p === Install Web2Py === * Download: http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/web2py_osx.zip * unzip === Launch Web2Py === * {{{web2py.exe}}} * Select a Password * 'click here for the administrative interface' * Enter same password === Install Sahana === * upload application: web2py.app.sahana-0.4.w2p * rename it: sahana * submit === Done! === * === Trouble? === * {{{lxml}}} can give trouble on OS X. Try: * {{{STATIC_DEPS=true sudo easy_install lxml}}} (adapted from [http://blog.ianbicking.org/2008/12/10/lxml-an-underappreciated-web-scraping-library/ this blog post]) * remove other {{{libxml2}}} versions, such as may have been installed by {{{fink}}} or !MacPorts ---- InstallationGuidelines