= Virtual Machine = This virtual machine has been built to allow Developers to get operational quickly (1.7 Gb): * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/Eden-VM.7z It is in the Open Virtual Machine format for use in either [http://virtualbox.org VirtualBox] or [http://vmware.com VMWare]. It is currently running the Ubuntu 10.04 OS with Web2Py-r2084, Eden-r889 & Eclipse 3.5 == Usage Guidelines == 1. The ubuntu user and the admin account of web2py have the password set to: sahanaeden 2. The web2py directory on the desktop contains the web2py release and a bzr branch of Eden Trunk located in {{{ ~/Desktop/web2py/applications/eden }}} 3. Eclipse is preconfigured with the above directory. 4. {{{w2p}}} is an alias to open an interactive web2py shell 5. Firefox is pre-populated with Eden bookmarks. == Maintenance Docs == {{{ sudo su - apt-get update apt-get upgrade rm /var/cache/apt/archives/* exit cd Desktop/web2py bzr up cd applications/eden bzr pull }}} After removing any unwanted packages, purge the filesystem using: {{{ COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2} ' | xargs dpkg -P }}}