[[TOC]] = Virtual Machine = This virtual machine has been built to allow Developers to get operational quickly (1 Gb): * http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/Eden-VM.7z It is in the Open Virtual Machine format for use in either [http://virtualbox.org VirtualBox] or [http://vmware.com VMWare]. It is currently running the Ubuntu 10.04 OS with Web2Py-r2179, Eden-r946 & Eclipse 3.6 == Usage Guidelines == 1. The ubuntu user and the admin account of web2py have the password set to: eden 2. The web2py directory on the desktop contains the web2py release and a bzr branch of Eden Trunk located in {{{ ~/Desktop/web2py/applications/eden }}} 3. [DeveloperGuidelinesEclipse Eclipse] is preconfigured with the above directory. * The normal way to launch Web2Py in this environment is to launch Eclipse & start up the Debugger 4. Firefox is pre-populated with Eden bookmarks. == Installation == 1. Download the Image 2. Uncompress the image (it is compressed with [http://7zip.org 7-zip]) To run the image, you need to install either !VirtualBox or VMWare: === !VirtualBox Installation === 3. Download [http://virtualbox.org VirtualBox] 4. Install !VirtualBox 5. Import the Virtual Appliance: * File menu | Import Appliance * Choose the uncompressed image * Next === VMWare Installation === To import the download VM into VMware (e.g. Fusion), use the following steps. 3. File > New 4. Click Continue without disc 5. Select Use an existing virtual disk 6. Select Eden-VM.vmdk 7. Select Make a separate copy of the virtual disk 8. Click Choose 9. Click Continue 10. OS=Linux and Version=Ubuntu should be selected, click Continue, Click Finish 11 Enter name for new VMware image e.g. Eden in the Virtual Machines directory 12. Click Save Remember to install the Linux VMware Tools after starting up the Eden machine using Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools {{{ sudo su - ./vmware-install.pl }}} And accept all the default options ---- InstallationGuidelinesVirtualMachineMaintenance InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper InstallationGuidelines InstallationGuidelines InstallationGuidelines