Sahana has been donated a dedicated server by [ Zen Internet]. This runs Xen to allow us to have a few different machines protected from each other. Dom0 is run on Ubuntu 804: * * We then have !DomUs running the same OS for: * Trac * Demo * Testing * Hackfests * IRC bot * Phenny (Trac updates like #openlayers) * TalkSahana Twitter channel updates: The Hackfest machine can be turned off between hacks to free up resources for the other systems. The hackfest machine includes a Bzr repository & an Apache/WSGI instance with Admin accessible remotely. There is a CGI available to restart Apache when-needed. The Testing machine could include a desktop accessible via VNC: * Accessing full 6Gb RAM: Xen Management Tools: Both VM technologies can be managed using [ OpenQRM] in a [ DomU]. Nagios plugin for Xen: ==== VMWare ==== Would be good to also add a Windows Test environment in [ VMWare Server], but VMWare can't run with a Xen kernel :/[[BR]] (This CPU doesn't include [ vmx support] :/) ---- InstallationGuidelines