= North Carolina State University CSC 517 Project list = Sahana Eden is an Emergency Development Environment which allows the rapid deployment of customisable tools to support the 4 phases of the Emergency Management Cycle as well as Development & Environment projects. == Projects being worked on == This section is for projects being worked on by students from [http://www.engr.ncsu.edu NCSU] * [BluePrintBarcode Barcode] * mlsurrat * djfreema * rrajana * [BluePrintMessagingModule#Twitter Twitter support]: Reading/Sending * msivane * sseshad * [BluePrintMobilePortal CSS for Web UI on small screens] * crdzoba * Android: [BluePrintMobileClient#Android Send Images & GPS coordinates] * rsoni * [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/roadmap Roadmap] * tsriniv * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/req:housing_registry_and_reconstruction Building Assessments for post-earthquakes] * pkulkar * aramakr * [wiki:BluePrintGISGeolocator GeoCoder integration] * marashid * mamatthe * #290: Hierarchical Trees optimisation * Monad * avenkat4 * anadath * tweetSahana * smkakara * jsberry == Project Ideas == This section contains other potential 2-3 week size projects to work on in October. * #604: HAVE import stylesheet * [BluePrintDeduplication De-duplicator] * Inventory * [BluePrintInventoryManagement#ItemUnits Item Units] * Kitting/Dekitting * Restock levels * Estimation of Requirements - e.g. for Shelters * Messaging * [BluePrintMessagingModule#SMS Receive SMS via a GSM phone using the Serial port] * [BluePrintMessagingModule#Parser Parser] with rules to process inbound messages (from SMS/Email/Twitter) * Mobile Client * !JavaRosa: [BluePrintMobileClient#J2ME port to current version] * [wiki:BluePrintOCR Integrate OCR] * [BluePrintWebSetup Integrate Web Setup] * Wiki support for core Views (especially default/index.html, contact.html, about.html) * [http://wiki.web2py.com Web2Py Wiki] allows plain text, simple HTML or RST Wiki-syntax * Mapping * [wiki:BluePrintGISLocationsHierarchy#LocationSelector Location Selector] * general polish * [wiki:BluePrintGISFeedsCaching Feeds Caching] (with !OpenLayers Refresh Strategy) * Integrate [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potlatch Potlatch] for editing !OpenStreetMap databases (either local or central) * #605 GeoJSON Import Stylesheet * #499: Legend * #515: KML Balloon-style support * [wiki:BluePrintGISStorage Spatial Storage]: Use PostGIS/Spatialite routines in S3GIS where possible * #655: Zoom to Location feature ---- BluePrints