Changes between Version 56 and Version 57 of Pakistan

08/16/10 16:42:05 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • Pakistan

    v56 v57  
    7171=== Rotary Club ===
    72 Rotary Club want to train 750-1000 volunteers to collect data.
     72Rotary Club are training 750-1000 volunteers to collect data.
     74 1. We should be able to register volunteers, and assign them to geographic regions.  This would help us query and know the number of people working in each geographic area. 
     75 2. Volunteers belonging to a group (like geographic area) could then be sent messages via SMS service.  So an interface to let us do that that would be great.
     76 3. When our volunteers go out, they would enter data about the status of inventory at their locations, and items required urgently.  They would also be able to update the status of a shelter, in that they may setup a place as a shelter and provides its Lon/Lat, or they may remove a place as shelter for it may have been inundated too. 
     77 4. We want to record damages to people/life, and property.  Currently, we can record life losses in Incident Reporting, while property losses can be registered in Situation Reports & Assessments. 
     78 5. We can also record loss to farm animal and cattle.  There could be (a) field(s) to do that.  Instead of going for a table of animal and then entering the number of lost animals, we could give an open text field. 
     79 6. We want to see the Situations, Assessments, Schools and Flood Reports to be visible on the map as well.  Can that be done?
     80 7. We would love to see an option where we could define a warehouse/shelter/school, where we could mention the inventory available there, and their count.  This feature is available in Agasti.  If provided, our volunteers would be able to trace themselves the items they need and where they are placed. 
     81 8. Missing Persons:
     82 * When adding a new missing person, we would need to provide his hometown (from where he was lost) and the location of his residence.  Like someone could be missing from a camp/shelter in Peshawar, while his residence would be in Swat. 
     83 * When reporting a missing person, we should be able to provide his photo too.  This should be optional.
     84 * An option should be there, like a status/flag, to tell if the person has been found.  Additional information like “where from” would be an added plus, but not essential.
     85 9. When entering a shelter or inventory, we would like to identify the city/location where it is located.  This is the first anchor of reference.  Also, we should be allowed to (optionally) provide coordinates, or point the location on the map.  That way, it should be visible on the map when someone takes a view of the map with shelter, inventory and incident overviews. This would be very helpful. 
     86 10. Since I can see the situation and incidents are different in the system, “Situation” should also be available in the map overlays. 
    7390 * Format of Data: Unknown but maybe [ ECB's Rapid Assessment Tool] - Fran will code this up as a module
    7491 * Want to be able to collect data on offline laptops & sync to base