Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of Pakistan

08/19/10 12:47:05 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • Pakistan

    v97 v98  
    7171== Feature Requests ==
     72=== Map ===
    7273 * [wiki:BluePrintGISSelectLocationFromMap Popup to add Location by placing cursor on Map]
    7374 * Fix Clustering
    74  * Import Locations from [ Geonames]
    75  * Inventory
    76   * Add some basic help text
    77   * Add Item Units
    78   * Allow Searching for items by category
    79   * Change the style of the rheader tabs - grey makes me think "disabled"
    80   * Change the header on the page to the name of the inventory / item
    81   * can we change it so that it doesn't default to the edit details, but instead to the first tab?
    82   * can we hide the field which the component is joined on?
    83   * The action buttons seem a bit redundant - would just a single "open" going to the record with the rheader be enough? "edit" isn't quite descriptive
    84  * Shelter Registry
    85   *  ~~These could be medical camps, cooked food outlet, clean water outlet etc.  Now these places do not have dwellings/housings, so not sure if these could be called shelters.  But we do need to create such facilities and assign them a location.~~
    86   * ~~should be able to define 'Type of Shelter/Camp'. Possible value list should also be modifiable~~, with entries such as Medical, Food, Water, Sanitation, Reconstruction etc.~~
    87   * ~~There could be multiple facilities in a shelter/relief camp. And that could make things a bit cluttered if we make different markers/feature classes for them. So let's not do it that way. Instead, the facilities in a shelter can either be chosen from a multi-select list box, or just provide them in the comments/facilities box (as plain text).~~
    88    * And on the map, where it shows the shelter, it should show the comments as well, so that one could easily find the requisite facilities. These facilities should be searchable though.
    89   * Move School Reports to CR (they are Shelters) (-> PTressel)
    90   * Link CR to RMS
    91    * ~~Someone could post a request for supplies/aid items at a certain camp/shelter.  Therefore, optionally, one should see a combo box of Shelters/Relief Camps, and choose from there~~.
    92     * We can also use auto complete in the Shelter/Relief Camp text box, as the number of shelters would be large; or we can use Ajax to populate the combo box of shelters that are registered at a location, after the user chooses the location.
    93   * Provide Estimations of Requirements
     75 * Import Locations
     76  * e.g. from [ Geonames]
    9477 * Fresh water source !PoIs
    9578  * Water !FeatureClass is there in the Programme !FeatureGroup, so can be added already although a nicer UI would be great
    9679   * Could use the Landmark model as a basis:
    9780  * Could also have a custom map query which displays a Water layer for all Shelters which provide Water Services
     82=== Inventory ===
     83 * Add some basic help text
     84 * Add Item Units
     85 * Allow Searching for items by category
     86 * Change the style of the rheader tabs - grey makes me think "disabled"
     87 * Change the header on the page to the name of the inventory / item
     88 * can we change it so that it doesn't default to the edit details, but instead to the first tab?
     89 * can we hide the field which the component is joined on?
     90 * The action buttons seem a bit redundant - would just a single "open" going to the record with the rheader be enough? "edit" isn't quite descriptive
     92=== Shelter Registry ===
     93 *  ~~These could be medical camps, cooked food outlet, clean water outlet etc.  Now these places do not have dwellings/housings, so not sure if these could be called shelters.  But we do need to create such facilities and assign them a location.~~
     94 * ~~should be able to define 'Type of Shelter/Camp'. Possible value list should also be modifiable~~, with entries such as Medical, Food, Water, Sanitation, Reconstruction etc.~~
     95 * ~~There could be multiple facilities in a shelter/relief camp. And that could make things a bit cluttered if we make different markers/feature classes for them. So let's not do it that way. Instead, the facilities in a shelter can either be chosen from a multi-select list box, or just provide them in the comments/facilities box (as plain text).~~
     96  * And on the map, where it shows the shelter, it should show the comments as well, so that one could easily find the requisite facilities. These facilities should be searchable though.
     97 * Move School Reports to CR (they are Shelters) (-> PTressel)
     98 * Link CR to RMS
     99  * ~~Someone could post a request for supplies/aid items at a certain camp/shelter.  Therefore, optionally, one should see a combo box of Shelters/Relief Camps, and choose from there~~.
     100   * We can also use auto complete in the Shelter/Relief Camp text box, as the number of shelters would be large; or we can use Ajax to populate the combo box of shelters that are registered at a location, after the user chooses the location.
     101 * Provide Estimations of Requirements
     102 * When adding a Union Council from a School Report, would be nice to have the Parent pre-populated too
     104=== Incident Reporting ===
     105 * Hide the Confirmed Reports from users without the AdvancedUser role
    98106 * .represent for irs_iimage.image as a thumbnail (like for gis_marker)
    99  * When adding a Union Council from a School Report, would be nice to have the Parent pre-populated too
    100  * Reports
     108=== Reports ===
    101109  * Summary info (similar to the SUMMARY-FAP.pdf & WFP .ppt)
    102110  * jqplot?