Changes between Version 98 and Version 99 of Pakistan

08/19/10 12:49:45 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • Pakistan

    v98 v99  
    7979   * Could use the Landmark model as a basis:
    8080  * Could also have a custom map query which displays a Water layer for all Shelters which provide Water Services
     81 * Setup !GeoServer & import !GeoData into that for more advanced GIS
    8283=== Inventory ===
    102103 * When adding a Union Council from a School Report, would be nice to have the Parent pre-populated too
     105=== Assessments ===
     106 * Complete [ ECB's Rapid Assessment Tool] - Dominic
    104108=== Incident Reporting ===
    105109 * Hide the Confirmed Reports from users without the AdvancedUser role
    108112=== Reports ===
    109   * Summary info (similar to the SUMMARY-FAP.pdf & WFP .ppt)
    110   * jqplot?
    111   * Map
    112    * KML XSLT (=>Dominic)
    113   * Would be good to write a custom PDF writer for this format of report so we can consider getting people to enter data into DB directly.
    114    * split column headers
    115    * (dominic) A nice printable HTML works as good as custom PDF, but can be achieved sooner
    116  * Setup !GeoServer & import !GeoData into that for more advanced GIS
     113 * Summary info (similar to the SUMMARY-FAP.pdf & WFP .ppt)
     114 * jqplot?
     115 * Map
     116  * KML XSLT (=>Dominic)
     118=== Misc ===
     119 * Would be good to write a custom PDF writer for this format of report so we can consider getting people to enter data into DB directly.
     120  * split column headers
     121  * (dominic) A nice printable HTML works as good as custom PDF, but can be achieved sooner
    117122 * [BluePrintImporter PDF Importer?]
    118123 * Test the XForms controller with component resource to have OCRable forms to collect this info
    135140 10. Since I can see the situation and incidents are different in the system, “Situation” should also be available in the map overlays. 
    137  * Format of Data: Unknown but maybe [ ECB's Rapid Assessment Tool] - Fran will code this up as a module
    138  * Want to be able to collect data on offline laptops & sync to base
    139   * This means that the schema for this module is pretty fixed as we can't update remote laptops
    140    * Extra data can be incoporated into comments fields for transferring to new optional fields centrally by-hand
    141    * Can still develop UI tweaks to ease data entry (just won't be visible to remote laptops): Labels/Help
    142    * Can still develop Reporting functionality
    143    * Can still develop other modules
    144   * Power may be an issue, so best to have printed copies of the Assessment Tool as well
    145   * Sync process should be tested thoroughly (even if kept to a very simple Data upload facility)
    146  * SMS
    147   * Outbound to alert teams (working with a local telco to get details)
    148   * SMS inbound for them to report incidents (separate to the general public whose reports we can pull from Ushahidi so can use the general shortcode)
     142==== Sync ====
     143Want to be able to collect data on offline laptops & sync to base
     144 * This means that the schema for this module is pretty fixed as we can't update remote laptops
     145  * Extra data can be incoporated into comments fields for transferring to new optional fields centrally by-hand
     146  * Can still develop UI tweaks to ease data entry (just won't be visible to remote laptops): Labels/Help
     147  * Can still develop Reporting functionality
     148  * Can still develop other modules
     149 * Power may be an issue, so best to have printed copies of the Assessment Tool as well
     150 * Sync process should be tested thoroughly (even if kept to a very simple Data upload facility)
     152==== SMS ====
     153 * Outbound to alert teams (working with a local telco to get details)
     154 * SMS inbound for them to report incidents (separate to the general public whose reports we can pull from Ushahidi so can use the general shortcode)
    150156== Bugs ==
    151  * [ Pakistan 2010 open tickets in Trac] - main open bug list
    152  * #464
    153  * ~~
     157 * [ Pakistan 2010 open tickets in Trac]
    155159== Related sites ==
    159163== After Action Notes ==
    160164 * Need some introductory videos on Eden basics such as menu navigation etc to point new users to
    161  * Move to deployment_settings control
     165 * Move to deployment_settings control:
    162166  * Locations Hierarchy
    163167  * Languages (For Local Location Names & Language Bar)
    164   * Enable ACLs (e.g. DVI, AdvancedJS)
     168  * Enable ACLs (e.g. DVI, AdvancedJS, MapAdmin)