Version 11 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Pakistan Authorisation
This page describes the proposed Authorisation settings within Sahana for the Pakistan Deployment and pending tasks to implement them.
In process. Awaiting some code modifications
Applies To
Any person who registers, verifies their email and logs into Sahana
- Add Records
- Edit their own records
Advanced User
Applies To
Users are granted Advanced User Status upon request if they.
- Enter 10 or more resources into Sahana
- A a member of an Authorised Organisation (as set by the administrators)
- Are given the authority by a User Administrator, with justification documented
Requests should be sent to ???
- Add records
- Edit all Records
- Delete records from view (Note that this is a 'soft' deletion - records are still available in the database, just hidden from view)
Role (group)
12 - AdvancedUser
User Administrator
Applies To
Trusted users from partner organisations (eg. Rotary) as allocated by the Administrators.
- Same as Advanced User
- Delete Records?
- Edit auth_membership resources in order to add users to AdvancedUser role
Role (group)
13 - UserAdministrator
Applies To
Trusted Members of the Sahana Software Foundation
Full Access including access to the raw database
Infrastructure Administrator
These rights are not registered within Sahana
Applies To
Trusted Members of the Sahana Software Foundation
- Log on to the server to change settings, upgrade and backup
To Do
- Restrict permissions for Users (add and edit own) and Advanced Users (no delete)
- Grant limited Admin permissions to User Admin
- Allocate User Admin Roles
- Add a Comments Field to the auth_membership table to track the reason people are given authority
- Map Service Catalogue made admin tool > #486
- Enable administrators to merge locations > #482