[[TOC]] = Pakistan Deployment Cycle = * UAT: http://test.eden.sahanafoundation.org * Live: http://pakistan.sahanafoundation.org == Process == We do daily upgrades of the systems from a single [http://docs.fabfile.org Fabric] script: 1. Upgrade Live with code release from UAT 2. Refresh the UAT database with data from Live 3. Upgrade UAT to Trunk code 4. Send a notification to the [MailingList List] with a summary of the changes on both Test & Live === Instructions === Login to eden.sahanafoundation.org 1st time: {{{ cd /home/release fab generate_keys fab test distribute_keys fab prod distribute_keys }}} Subsequently: {{{ cd /home/release fab prod deploy fab test deploy }}} Make a note of any upgrade issues with the migration on Test so that they can be streamlined in tomorrow's migration on Live == Sysadmin !ToDo == * Current Fabfile: http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/browser/static/scripts/tools/fabfile.py * Current Aliases: ConfigurationGuidelines#Usefulaliases === 1. Upgrade Live with code release from UAT === * Extend maintenance_on() / maintenance_off() * Support Cron * Extend the cleanup() * Deal with .moved files * Only apply customisations to files which had conflicts * Do optimise() * Add indexes === 2. Refresh the UAT database with data from Live === * Include 'uploads' folder * Need to add generic role accounts in a script after the DB replaced === 3. Upgrade UAT to Trunk code === * as per (1) === 4. Send a notification to the [MailingList List] with a summary of the changes on both Test & Live === Notifications can be built with info from the [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/timeline Trac Timeline] * Investigate a custom Trac script to build the report automatically, e.g. building on these: * http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/DailyReminderScriptForTracScript * http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracReleasePlugin === General === * ~~Set deployment_settings on UAT to the same as Prod~~ * Add rollback() by reading VERSION before {{{bzr pull}}}, so then can {{{bzr revert -r $version}}} * ~~Add update() for debian packages: SSH into each & {{{ apt-get update; apt-get upgrade}}}~~ * Enhance Apache Maintenance site * allowing access to site through a browser - but using a different name (which we don't publish) {{{ /etc/apache2/sites-available/maintenance }}} * improving the text on the maintenance page: {{{ /var/www/maintenance.html }}} * dev.pakistan.sahanafoundation.org instance needs adding to the Fabfile * This shouldn't be fully-automated into the upgrades cycle, but does have a script to refresh data from live manually * dev. will be postgres! ==== Live ==== * Schedule the Ushahidi imports: * http://pakistan.sahanafoundation.org/eden/irs/ireport/ushahidi * http://pakreport.org/ushahidi/api?task=incidents&by=all&resp=xml&limit=1000 (how to avoid this?) * Can we pass URL as argument? * Upgrade Geraldo to 0.4.0 (currently 0.3.9) * Upgrade !ReportLab from the debian-packaged 'python-reportlab 2.1dfsg-2' to current 2.4 * Get [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGISDataLinux#Cache MapProxy] working (basic install on 'geo' done) ==== Demo ==== * Update Demo (whilst keeping the logins there intact - all other data can be dropped) ==== Trac ==== * Investigate a fix or alternative to http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/MathCaptchaPlugin for allowing Trac users to register bugs anonymously whilst not locking out our testing team. * Convert from sqlite to PostgreSQL (or MySQL) to improve performance * See if we can not send emails out to users for the updates they make themselves ---- UserGuidelinesUpgrade DeveloperGuidelinesDataMigration [wiki:Pakistan]