53 | | * Import Locations |
54 | | * see [wiki:PakistanUserGuide#LocationsHierarchy] |
55 | | * e.g. from [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData#Geonames Geonames] |
56 | | * L1-L3 Polygons: http://ags.pdc.org/rest/services/Pakistan/PAKISTAN_FLOOD/MapServer/25 |
57 | | * L0-L2 polygons (also Tehsils (sub-districts) may be available on request): http://pakgis.blogspot.com/2009/07/vector-datasets_22.html |
58 | | * L0-L2 polygons (L2 possibly out of date): http://www.gadm.org/data/shp/PAK_adm.zip |
59 | | * L1 & a few L2s: http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/pakistan |
60 | | * L1 Polygons: http://finder.geocommons.com/overlays/61368 |
61 | | * ~~Lock down L1-L3 Locations~~ |
| 53 | * Import [wiki:PakistanUserGuide#LocationsHierarchy Locations] |
| 54 | * L0 (Country): Done (using [http://pakgis.blogspot.com/2009/07/vector-datasets_22.html PakGIS] |
| 55 | * L1 (Province/Territory): In-Progress (using [http://pakgis.blogspot.com/2009/07/vector-datasets_22.html PakGIS] |
| 56 | * L2 (District): Available (using [http://pakgis.blogspot.com/2009/07/vector-datasets_22.html PakGIS] |
| 57 | * L3 (Tehsil): ''tbc'': PakGIS not responding to request: http://pakgis.blogspot.com/2009/03/tehsil-boundaries-of-pakistan.html |
| 58 | * L4 (Union Council): ''tbc'': Use [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData#Geonames Geonames] for Points? Place in hierarchy using intersection calculations? |
| 59 | * L5 (Village): ''tbc'': Use [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData#Geonames Geonames] for Points? Place in hierarchy using intersection calculations? |
| 60 | * Alternate sources: |
| 61 | * L1-L3 Polygons: http://ags.pdc.org/rest/services/Pakistan/PAKISTAN_FLOOD/MapServer/25 |
| 62 | * L0-L2 polygons (L2 possibly out of date): http://www.gadm.org/data/shp/PAK_adm.zip |
| 63 | * L1 & a few L2s: http://downloads.cloudmade.com/asia/pakistan |
| 64 | * L1 Polygons: http://finder.geocommons.com/overlays/61368 |
| 65 | * ~~Lock down L0-L2 Locations~~ |