Changes between Version 171 and Version 172 of PakistanDevelopers

09/03/10 10:49:58 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • PakistanDevelopers

    v171 v172  
    9595   * This is partially-working: clicking the button on enables the crosshair, clicking it off disables, but currently it's not being set on 1st load
    9696  * See nearby locations (Feature Markers) & be able to select them as an alternative to placing a new Marker (nice message saying 'Do you mean...)
    97 ===== Hierarchical Autocomplete for Locations: #502 =====
     97===== Hierarchical Autocomplete for Locations =====
     98 * #502
    9899 * If an Lx is selected in Autocomplete then load the appropriate dropdown (& any above it) & put this in there
    99100  * freeing up the Name field again for a sub-location
    102103 * A user might wish to select an existing location & then amend the hierarchy!
    103104   * make people do this via the 'Locations' menu? (Give them Help on this?)
    104  * Changing things in higher levels should clear lower levels?
    105105 * Check whether fields are readable/writable (e.g. addr_street may need to be hidden from some modules)
    106106 * Add robustness by checking L0 isSelectBox()
    110110 * Download hierarchy levels to a Store in the background to improve performance?
    111111 * shn_read/shn_list - replace existing system in read/list? (consistency & ease of maintenance)
    112  * ~~~Update form: Hierarchy needs populating from old record~~~
    113  * ~~~Include a Search box underneath the hierarchy which is an Autocomplete filtered to the appropriate level that we've already selected~~~
    114    * ~~~Format of results should include the hierarchy of missing steps to help resolve duplicate names~~~
    115  * ~~~Add a visible field for location name beside address (defaults to being populated by the name of the resource, but can be overridden)~~~
    116  * ~~~The extra 'Save Location' button shouldn't be required (Auto-Save when main form is submitted. Does this make code simpler as only need to update location_id at the end?)~~~
    117  * ~~~Handle the case where we link to a general Lx Location record & which we now refine to add a Street Address or Lat/Lon~~~
    118   * ~~~we have a UUID but the 1st update should be either just changing location_id (if using the hierarchy) or creating a new record (if using lat/lon or addr_street)~~~
     112 * ~~Update form: Hierarchy needs populating from old record~~
     113 * ~~Include a Search box underneath the hierarchy which is an Autocomplete filtered to the appropriate level that we've already selected~~
     114   * ~~Format of results should include the hierarchy of missing steps to help resolve duplicate names~~
     115 * ~~Add a visible field for location name beside address (defaults to being populated by the name of the resource, but can be overridden)~~
     116 * ~~The extra 'Save Location' button shouldn't be required (Auto-Save when main form is submitted. Does this make code simpler as only need to update location_id at the end?)~~
     117 * ~~Changing things in higher levels should clear lower levels?~~
     118 * ~~Handle the case where we link to a general Lx Location record & which we now refine to add a Street Address or Lat/Lon~~
     119  * ~~we have a UUID but the 1st update should be either just changing location_id (if using the hierarchy) or creating a new record (if using lat/lon or addr_street)~~
    119120 * Don't display Lat/Lon for Admin levels (Lx)?
    120121 * ~~if shn_has_role(!MapAdmin): Provide an 'Add Location' option next to each level of hierarchy~~