Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of PakistanDevelopers

08/22/10 01:05:29 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • PakistanDevelopers

    v40 v41  
    2727  * Want to zoom to the relevant area of the map based on the selected locations hierarchy (needs polygon data)
    2828  * Update map should use Drag tool not Draw tool?
     29  * When selecting LatLon from the map, change the mouse cursor to cross hairs
    2930 * Map requires a refresh to get icons to appear at proper size (Firefox/IE. Chrome/Safari stay small): #493
    3031  * This makes the highlightControl popups much more painful
    3233 * Map Preview for a single Location shows too zoomed in: #483 (done)
    3334 * Provide a Legend for Feature Layers in full-screen mode: #499
    34  * Popups have bad content
     35 * Popups
    3536  * Should add an 'Open' hyperlink to open the resource (in a new tab?)
    36   * Locations have a URL which doesn't work
     37  * Locations have a URL which doesn't work (wants to open map in JS div)
    3738  * Hide blank fields?
     39  * Customised Popups for Incidents, Assessments & Requests
     40   * Hide fields which aren't so necessary to make the critical ones stand out
     41  * It would be good if the map pop-ups showed the resource type as a header at the top - currently it isn't entirely clear what the popup is
    3842 * Hierarchical Autocomplete for Locations: #502
    3943  * Add Location popup should set the Parent according to the hierarchy chosen in the main form
    4448 * ~~Lock down L1-L3 Locations~~
    4549 * De-duplication of existing locations: #482 (code done: still needs someone to go through & make use of)
    46  * Customised Popups for Incidents, Assessments & Requests
    47   * Hide fields which aren't so necessary to make the critical ones stand out
    4850 * Fresh water source !PoIs
    4951  * Water !FeatureClass is there in the Programme !FeatureGroup, so can be added already although a nicer UI would be great
    5153  * Could also have a custom map query which displays a Water layer for all Shelters which provide Water Services
    5254 * Setup !GeoServer & import !GeoData into that for more advanced GIS: #497
    53  * It would be good if the map pop-ups showed the resource type as a header at the top - currently it isn't entirely clear what the popup is showing.
    54  * When selecting Lat Lon from the map, change the mouse cursor to cross hairs
    5556=== Shelter Registry ===
    5657 * On the map, where it shows the shelter, it should show the comments as well, so that one could easily find the requisite facilities. These facilities should be searchable though.