Changes between Version 66 and Version 67 of PakistanDevelopers

08/23/10 00:39:17 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • PakistanDevelopers

    v66 v67  
    3939"Zoom in for detail"
    41  * [wiki:BluePrintGISSelectLocationFromMap Add Location by placing cursor on Map]: #487 (done)
     41 * [wiki:BluePrintGISSelectLocationFromMap Add Location by placing cursor on Map]: #487 (done basics)
    4242  * Read/Update screens should have a Marker visible to start with
    4343  * Want to zoom to the relevant area of the map based on the selected locations hierarchy (needs polygon data)
    4747  * This makes the highlightControl popups much more painful
    4848  * Approach to debug:
    49  * Map Preview for a single Location shows too zoomed in: #483 (done)
    5049 * Provide a Legend for Feature Layers in full-screen mode: #499
    5150 * Popups
    6059   Currently works only for 1st press of 'Add Location' not subsequent
    6160  * Use HTML5 GeoLocation where available to pre-populate the location (using a 'nearby' algorithm?)
    62   * L1-L4 Feature Classes shouldn't be selctable by non-!MapAdmins (& should be auto-selected by !MapAdmins)
    63   * Could still use some work to provide sanity-checking of inputs (entering things in higher levels should clear lower levels?)
     61  * L1-L4 Feature Classes shouldn't be selectable by non-!MapAdmins (& should be auto-selected by !MapAdmins)
     62   * Remove Feature Classes completely from Locations (replace with Feature Layers (i.e. Queries))
     63  * Could still use some work:
     64   * set &parent_ after each click
     65   * entering things in higher levels should clear lower levels?
     66   * Provide one inside Add Location popup for the Parent
     67    * For Admins this should filter based on the selected Level
     68    * For non-Admins this should filter to L4?
    6469 * Import Locations
    6570  * e.g. from [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData#Geonames Geonames]
    8085  *
    8186   * Good to be able to support the Photos (currently shows 'undefined' for all attributes):
    82  * Widget where user can select a polygon and it populates the data into a search form. Then a gis function that searches all locations within this area.
     87 * Location Search
     88  * Widget where user can select a polygon and it populates the data into a search form. Then a gis function that searches all locations within this area.
     89  * name_l10n support (needs [wiki:S3XRC_Roadmap#Version2.1 component support in S3XRC])
    8491=== Shelter Registry ===