Changes between Version 82 and Version 83 of PakistanDevelopers

08/24/10 03:19:30 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • PakistanDevelopers

    v82 v83  
    6464   * When selecting Lat Lon from the map, change the mouse cursor to cross hairs
    6565  * Hierarchical Autocomplete for Locations: #502
    66    * Add Location popup should set the Parent according to the hierarchy chosen in the main form
     66   * Submit Button
     67    * name field not being detected
     68    * update URL used for create (although it works!)
     69    * UUID field not being added on update forms
     70   * Update form
     71    * Hierarchy needs populating from old record
     72    * Need visible Marker on Map
     73   * Add Geocoder support
     74   * Add Street Address
     75   * Don't display Lat/Lon for Admin levels (Lx)?
     76   * See nearby locations & be able to select them?
     77   * shn_read - replace existing system in read/list?
     78   * Help Tooltip not showing (if we re-apply the action then it clobbers all)
     79    * All Tooltips show be OnHover anyway?
     80   * if shn_has_role(MapAdmin): Provide an 'Add Location' option next to each level of hierarchy (simplified Ext popup not colorbox?)
     81   * Changing things in higher levels should clear lower levels?
    6782   * L1-L4 Feature Classes shouldn't be selectable by non-!MapAdmins (& should be auto-selected by !MapAdmins)
    6883    * Remove Feature Classes completely from Locations (replace with Feature Layers (i.e. Queries))
    69    * Could still use some work:
    70     * set &parent_ after each click (Currently works only for 1st press of 'Add Location' not subsequent)
    71     * entering things in higher levels should clear lower levels?
    72     * Provide one inside Add Location popup for the Parent
    73      * For Admins this should filter based on the selected Level
    74      * For non-Admins this should filter to L4?
    7584 * [wiki:BluePrintGISLocationsSearch Location Search]