= How to Use Pootle = Here shows an example how Taiwan team uses [http://pootle.sahanafoundation.org/ Sahana Pootle Server] in the language translation process. In the following example, zh-tw.py is used, but the main idea should apply to other teams. Be sure to see the useful UserGuidelinesLocalisation before using Pootle or other translation tools. == As a Translator, How to Translate Terms on Pootle == 1. Say, we want to translate a term "Required Field", use search form to find it. [[Image(search-term.png)]] 2. Put the translation in the field below the term. You can submit the translation, or assign it as a suggestion. [[Image(chinese-term.png)]] 3. If there are other terms matching "Required Field", they will be shown afterward. == As an Administrator, How to Apply New PO into Eden == 1. Go to "Translate" tab. 2. You can download zh-tw.po by right clicking "Download" and "Save Link As" zh-tw.po. [[Image(download.png)]] 3. Run "po2web2py -i zh-tw.po -o zh-tw.py" to generate the needed language file. 4. Place the generated zh-tw.py in the eden/languages directory, and see if everything goes as expected. == As an Administrator, How to Apply New PO into Pootle == 1. Go to "Translate" tab. 2. Choose the .po file to upload. Say, you can "Overwrite the current file if it exists". 3. If choosing "Add all new translations as suggestions", or, there are suggestions for a term, you can decide "Accept" or "Reject" them.