Changes between Version 103 and Version 104 of ProjectInformation

10/28/10 12:24:26 (14 years ago)
Michael Howden

Content compiled from BluePrintsBeginners


  • ProjectInformation

    v103 v104  
    9797 * When the user adds a location and enters an address, use the geocoding function to get latitude and longitude.
     99=== Misc. GIS/Mapping ===
     100These are a number of various GIS/Mapping Tasks:
     101 * Use the !GeoCoder ({{{geolocate}}} function in {{{controllers/}}}) to lookup location Lat/Lons
     102 * Add a delay to the onHover tooltip (highlightControl)
     103  * Something like [ hoverIntent]
     104 * Integrate [ Potlatch]
     105  * for editing the main OSM database
     106  * for editing a local OSM database
     107 * Make the display_feature() & display_features() popup a Window instead of opening in a DIV
     108  * This was working in FF before:
     109 * Replace the Measure Length/Area tools with [ GeoExt.ux]
     110 * Option to go Full screen & back
     111  * Full screen view (No Ext window) will be required for use on a small-screen, such as a Mobile device
     112 * [ Layer Tree]
     113  * Separate Overlays folder into Internal/External
     114  * Sub-folders of Overlays e.g. for:
     115   * Projects by Theme
     116   * Projects by Donor
     117 * Get a pr/person/presence record upon login if HTML5 !GeoLocation available & not changed since last time
     118  * login_next
     119 * Map Preview when Lat/Lon set in pr/person/presence (auto or not)
    99121==== ''Suggestion Box'' ====
    121143 * Look at tools and libraries already in use in Eden, e.g. jQuery and ExtJS for UI work.
     145=== Misc. Framework ===
     146These are a number of various GIS/Mapping Tasks:
     147 * Popup to do Advanced Search for a Field (better than simple AutoComplete)
     148 * Port the multi-file upload widget in Bulk Uploader from Ext-2.2.1 to Ext-3.2.1
     149  * Finish this app
     150 * Provide localisation of jquery.ui.datepicker
     151  * Means that user profile will need extending to support locales
     152 * Replace jquery.autocomplete.js with jquery.ui.autocomplete.js (1.8.2)
     153 * Replace jquery.cluetip.js with jquery.ui.tooltip.js (1.9 once released)
     154 * [wiki:BluePrintAuthorization#Functionrestriction Decorator to restrict access to a function based on multiple roles]
     155 * [wiki:BluePrintMany2Many Improve UI for Many<>Many]
     156  * e.g. Admin Users/Groups
     157  * e.g. GIS Layer Catalogue (esp !FeatureClasses/!FeatureGroups)
     158  * e.g. Messaging Users/Groups
    123160==== ''Test automation'' ====
    134171  * [wiki:NCSU#Projectsbeingworkedon NCSU Students] working on this
    135172 * BluePrintMessagingModule#Micro-Syntax
     174==== Sending Tweets ====
     175 * BluePrintMessagingModule#Twitter
     176  * [wiki:NCSU#Projectsbeingworkedon NCSU Students] working on this
    137178==== ''Job Jar -- manage tasks performed on the site, e.g. data entry'' ==== #JobJar
    187228  * Look at the [ volunteer page]. Compare with the existing (incomplete) volunteer module. What additional features might Maitri need to use the Eden volunteer module?
     230==== Image Library ====
     231 * Provide a .represent for the view to display image thumbnail with option to zoom large (such as Fancyzoom)
     232 * Provide a beautiful image viewer to flip between images
     233  *
     234 * Use Mapping API to display images on Map
     236==== Misc. Projects ====
     237To be elaborated on later:
     238 * Image Importer
     239 * YouTube Importer
     240 * User Statistics