Changes between Version 122 and Version 123 of ProjectInformation

11/17/10 15:53:38 (14 years ago)
Michael Howden



  • ProjectInformation

    v122 v123  
    2222''Projects that do not involve programming.''
    24 === Ideas: Usability ===
    26  * Role-play being a user:
    27   * Try it out -- you can use:
    28    * your locally-installed site
    29    * [ demo site]
    30    * [ user test site for Pakistan floods response]
    31   * What do you expect it to do?
    32   * What features would you want?
    33   * What do you think the workflow should be?
    34   * Document it:
    35    * Explore it and document the existing workflow.
    36    * Develop a how-to guide for users.
     24=== Project: Testing ===
     26Role-Play Being a User
     27 * Bugs - Try to break it!
     28 * Think about how could it be better
     29 * Try Sahana Eden out -- you can use:
     30  * your locally-installed site
     31  * [ demo site]
     32  * [ user test site for Pakistan floods response]
    3734 * Modules that could use some usability improvement:
    38   * All of them.  In particular:
     35  * All of them, but in particular:
    3936  * [ Mapping]
    4037  * [ Shelter registry]
    4744  * [ Rapid assessment tool]
    49 === Project: Ticket Reporting ===
    50 ''GCI''
    51 [wiki:BugReportingGuidelines Guidelines]
    52  * Bugs - Try to break it!
    53  * Usability Enhancements
    54   * Additional/clearer help text required. Suggest tooltips (help info) for fields on forms.
    55   * Unclear/Inconvenient workflow
    56   * What did you want to do that wasn't available?
    57  * Suggest Improvements
     46Document Existing Functionality:
     47 * Document the existing workflow.
     48 * Develop how-to guide for users, including screen shots. See UserGuidelines.
     50Reporting Tickets
     51See: [wiki:BugReportingGuidelines Reporting Guidelines]
     52 * What do you expect it to do? What did happen?
     53 * What additional features would you want?
     54 * What do you think the workflow should be? Report unclear/inconvenient workflow
     55 * Additional/clearer help text required. Suggest tooltips (help info) for fields on forms.
     56 * Was there something you wanted that wasn't available?
    5958=== Project: Ticket Verification ===
    60 ''GCI''
    6160Some tickets have been left open even though they've been fixed. Others don't have much information.
    6261 * Go through the list of [/report/1 open bugs] and try to reproduce the ticket issue: