Changes between Version 148 and Version 149 of ProjectInformation

11/29/10 11:15:30 (14 years ago)
Michael Howden



  • ProjectInformation

    v148 v149  
    5757=== Project: Documentation ===
    58 ''GCI''[[BR]]
    59 We need instructions for how to use some of our applications.  We have some instructions on the [wiki:UserGuidelines] page -- this can be a starting point.  For applications that have no instructions, the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemple User Guideline Template] tells what the form of the instructions should be.  The instructions are posted on the [wiki:WikiStart Sahana Eden wiki], so you'll need an account to edit the wiki. Some instructions are in Google Docs and need to be put in the wiki.
     59We need instructions for how to use some of our applications.  We have some instructions on the [wiki:UserGuidelines] page -- this can be a starting point.  For applications that have no instructions, the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemple User Guideline Template] tells what the form of the instructions should be.  The instructions are posted on the [wiki:WikiStart Sahana Eden wiki], so you'll need an account to edit the wiki. Some instructions are in Google Docs and need to be put in the wiki.[[BR]]
     60For GCI, we request that you complete the "Report 5 Bugs in Sahana Eden" task first and focus on the application you will be writing documentation for, to ensure that you understand the functionality.
    6162 * Pick one of the applications.  (For GCI, pick the task for the application you want.)
    6263 * Look at any instructions that are already available for the application, linked from the [wiki:UserGuidelines] page.
    63  * Pretend you're a user -- these are tools for emergency management, so think about using it for dealing with a disaster.  Try out the application -- try entering data and looking it up, see what features are available.  (Look at the [wiki:ProjectInformation#Project:Testing] section for more on thinking like a user.)
     64 * Pretend you're a user -- these are tools for emergency management, so think about using it for dealing with a disaster.  Try out the application -- try entering data and looking it up, see what features are available.  (Look at the [wiki:ProjectInformation#Project:Testing] section for more on thinking like a user)
    6465 * Things to look at:
    6566  * Do the current instructions match the way the application is now?