Changes between Version 156 and Version 157 of ProjectInformation

12/05/10 03:35:05 (14 years ago)
Michael Howden



  • ProjectInformation

    v156 v157  
    5757=== Project: Documentation ===
    59 We need instructions for how to use some of our applications.  We have some instructions on the [wiki:UserGuidelines] page -- this can be a starting point.  For applications that have no instructions, the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemple User Guideline Template] tells what the form of the instructions should be.  The instructions are posted on the [wiki:WikiStart Sahana Eden wiki], so you'll need an account to edit the wiki. Some instructions are in Google Docs and need to be put in the wiki.[[BR]]
     59We need instructions for how to use some of our applications.  We have some instructions on the [wiki:UserGuidelines] page -- this can be a starting point.  For applications that have no instructions, the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemplate User Guideline Template] tells what the form of the instructions should be.  The instructions are posted on the [wiki:WikiStart Sahana Eden wiki], so you'll need an account to edit the wiki. Some instructions are in Google Docs and need to be put in the wiki.[[BR]]
    6060For GCI, we request that you complete the "Report 5 Bugs in Sahana Eden" task first and focus on the application you will be writing documentation for, to ensure that you understand the functionality.
    6767  * Are there application features that have no instructions?
    6868  * Are the instructions confusing?
    69   * Do the instructions fit the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemple User Guideline Template]?
     69  * Do the instructions fit the [wiki:UserGuidelinesTemplate User Guideline Template]?
    7070 * To edit the instructions:
    7171  * Register on and log in.