Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of ProjectMobileInterface

01/11/11 07:33:03 (14 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • ProjectMobileInterface

    v5 v6  
    66== Overview ==
    7 Sahana Eden is an Open Source Humanitarian Platform which can be used to provide applications for Disaster Management, Development, and Environmental Management sectors. These solutions are often more practical if they can be accessed on mobile devices. Sahana Eden it written in Python and uses [ Web2Py] which is extended by [wiki:S3XRC] to make it a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform from which custom solutions can easily be created. Using the [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI/s3_rest_controller RESTful API] Sahana Eden can automatically create CRUD(create, read, update, delete and list) User Interfaces for data resources and also represent them in different data formats (XML, RSS, JSON, etc).
     7Sahana Eden is an Open Source Humanitarian Platform which can be used to provide applications for Disaster Management, Development, and Environmental Management sectors. These solutions are often more practical if they can be accessed on mobile devices. Sahana Eden is written in Python and uses [ Web2Py] which is extended by [wiki:S3XRC] to make it a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform from which custom solutions can easily be created. Using the [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI/s3_rest_controller RESTful API] Sahana Eden can automatically create CRUD(create, read, update, delete and list) User Interfaces for data resources and also represent them in different data formats (XML, RSS, JSON, etc).
    99This project would extend S3XRC to automatically produce user interfaces for mobile devices. This will include a number of new challenges: