142 | | The optional '''rheader''' argument helps you to display some information about the primary resource record in the view while operating on a component (e.g. the person's name and ID, when displaying a list of available images for this person). You may pass static content, or a function or lambda to produce content, which will be forwarded as ''rheader'' variable to the view. |
| 142 | The optional '''rheader''' argument helps you to display some information about the primary resource record in the view while operating on a component (e.g. the person's name and ID, when displaying a list of available images for this person). You may pass static content, or a function or lambda to produce content, which will be forwarded as ''rheader'' variable to the view. If rheader is a function or lambda, then it will be called with the current S3Request ("r") as the only argument. |
| 143 | |
| 144 | The tabs functionality is to be implemented by the respective rheader function, it is not generated by the REST controller. |