Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of REST_API

10/14/10 05:56:22 (14 years ago)
Dominic König




    v20 v21  
    101101== GET Methods ==
    103   '''in interactive formats (e.g. HTML):'''
    104   * A GET without method and no record ID results in a '''list''' view of the resource
    105   * A GET without method but with a record ID results in a '''read''' view of this record. If the user is permitted to update the addressed record, an '''update''' form returned instead
    106   * you may specify a '''method''' in the method argument list, e.g. '''create''' (=create new record), '''read''' (=view this record), '''update''' (=update this record) or '''delete''' (=delete this record), all of which are returning a form
    107   * some resources support other methods, e.g. '''search_simple''' to perform a simple string search (currently supported by the pr/person and hms/hospital resources)
     103==== Interactive Formats ====
    109   '''in non-interactive formats (e.g. XML):'''
    110   * '''method''' arguments work like in interactive formats, except they expect the data in the request body in the respective format
    111   * all records addressed by the URL are returned in the respective format, there is no difference between (single-record-)"read" and (multi-record-)"list" view
     105  * without method:
     106    - if no record ID/UID in the URL: '''list''' view of the resource
     107    - with a record ID/UID in the URL: '''read''' view of the specified record (if the user is permitted to update the record, an '''update''' form returned instead)
     109  * with '''method''' in the URL:
     110    - method '''create''' returns a create-form
     111    - method '''read''' returns a view of the specified record (other than with blank method, no update form is returned in this case)
     112    - method '''update''' returns an update form for the specified record
     113    - method '''delete''' returns a delete form for the specified records
     115  * some resources support other (custom) methods, e.g.
     116    - '''search_simple''' returns a form for simple string search in the resource
     118==== Non-interactive formats ====
     120  * without '''method''':
     121    - returns a list of all matching records in the specified format
     123  * with '''method''' in the URL:
     124    - method '''create''' or '''update''' imports data into the resource from the specified data source:
     125      * ''?filename='' variable to specify a local file (on the server)
     126      * ''?fetchurl='' variable to specify a source URL
     127      * with format extension ''.url'' data are imported directly from the URL
     128      * if none of the above is specified, data are imported from the request body
     129    - method '''read''' returns a the specified records in the requested format
     130    - method '''delete''' deletes the specified records
    112132  * XLS and PDF format work read-only (create/update/delete being ignored)
    114133== POST Method ==