112 | | A user is considered the ''owner'' of a record if they are either the individual owner of the record (user ID == {{{owned_by_user}}}), '''or''' they are a member of the owner role ({{{owned_by_role}}} in user roles) '''or''' if {{{owned_by_user}}} == '''None''' '''or''' if {{{owned_by_role}}} == '''None'''. |
| 112 | A user is considered the ''owner'' of a record if they are either the individual owner of the record (user ID == {{{owned_by_user}}}), '''or''' they are a member of the owner role ({{{owned_by_role}}} in user roles). |
| 113 | |
| 114 | If a record has no owner, i.e. if {{{owned_by_user}}} == '''None''' '''and''' {{{owned_by_role}}} == '''None''', all authenticated users are considered the owner of this record. |