Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of S3/S3Navigation

03/05/12 20:37:50 (13 years ago)
Dominic König



  • S3/S3Navigation

    v33 v34  
    282282This will call the layout method of the element, provided that the element is ''active'' (i.e. relevant for the current request).
     284== Eden Navigation Layouts ==
     286The trunk version of Sahana Eden currently defines 4 different layouts (S3NavigationItem subclasses):
     288  - '''S3MainMenuLayout''' (Shortcut {{{MM}}}) for the application main menu (also called "modules" menu)
     289  - '''S3OptionsMenuLayout''' (Shortcut {{{M}}}) for the options menu (also called "controller" menu)
     290  - '''S3MenuSeparatorLayout''' (Shortcut {{{SEP}}}) for separators in pull-down menus
     291  - '''S3BreadcrumbsLayout''' for breadcrumbs
     293These layout classes (as well as additional layouts) are defined in {{{modules/eden/}}} and can be customized there.
    284295== Eden Standard Menus ==
     297For the trunk version of Sahana Eden, all menu definitions have been implemented as functions in two classes:
     299  - '''S3MainMenu''' for the application main menu ("modules" menu)
     300  - '''S3OptionsMenu''' for the options menus per module ("controller" menus)
     302These classes can be found in {{{modules/eden/}}} and shall ''not'' be customized in place - instead, any custom menu definitions can happen in models/ The default version of looks like:
     305    # =========================================================================
     306    # Main menu
     307    #
     310        # Standard modules-menu
     311        S3MainMenu.menu_modules(),
     313        # Standard service menus
     314        S3MainMenu.menu_help(right=True),
     315        S3MainMenu.menu_auth(right=True),
     316        S3MainMenu.menu_lang(right=True),
     317        S3MainMenu.menu_admin(right=True),
     318        S3MainMenu.menu_gis(right=True)
     319    )
     321    # =========================================================================
     322    # Controller menus
     323    #
     324    s3_menu_dict = {
     326        # Define custom controller menus here
     328    }
     332The first section defines the application main menu ("modules" menu). In the trunk version, this invokes the respective definition methods of '''S3MainMenu'''. To customize the main menu, you can simply comment the standard option and replace it by a custom definition, e.g.:
     335    # =========================================================================
     336    # Main menu
     337    #
     340        # Standard modules-menu, commented out
     341        #S3MainMenu.menu_modules(),
     343        # Custom menu:
     344        homepage(), # no parameters -> links to default/index
     345        homepage("gis"),
     346        homepage("pr", restrict=[ADMIN])(
     347            MM("Persons", f="person"),
     348            MM("Groups", f="group")
     349        ),
     350        MM("more", link=False)(
     351            homepage("dvi"),
     352            homepage("irs")
     353        ),
     355        # Standard service menus
     356        S3MainMenu.menu_help(right=True),
     357        S3MainMenu.menu_auth(right=True),
     358        S3MainMenu.menu_lang(right=True),
     359        S3MainMenu.menu_admin(right=True),
     360        S3MainMenu.menu_gis(right=True)
     361    )
     364This example uses the {{{homepage}}} helper function to define a {{{MM}}} instance out of the module's nice name setting in 000_config.
     366Mind the trailing commas! Note that you do not need to check for module activation - this happens automatically in check_active: items linked to deactivated controllers will automatically be deactivated.
     368To customize a controller menu, you can override the standard menu in the s3_menu_dict, e.g.:
     371    # =========================================================================
     372    # Controller menus
     373    #
     374    s3_menu_dict = {
     376        # Custom menu for the PR controller
     377        "pr": M(c="pr")(                        # <- the menu itself has no label, just the controller
     378                  M("Persons", f="person")(     # <- Sub-item, inherits c from the parent item
     379                       M("List"),               # <- Sub-item, inherits both c and f from the parent item
     380                       M("New", m="create"),    # <- method m will be appended to args, if not the last arg
     381                       M("Search", m="search"), # <- no need for T() of the label, happens automatically
     382                  ),
     383                  M("Groups", f="group")(
     384                       M("List"),
     385                       M("New", m="create"),
     386                       M("Search", m="search"),
     387                  ),
     388               ),
     389    }
     392All controller menus which are not defined in s3_menu_dict fall back to the standard definition in S3OptionsMenu in modules/eden/
     394Options menus which are to be shared by multiple controllers must ''not'' define the controller in the root item, but instead at the first sub-item level.
     396Items which shall match multiple functions can take a list of function names for the parameter f, where the first function name is used to render the URL, i.e.:
     399   M("Persons", c="pr", f=["person", "index"])
     402is rendered as {{{/pr/person}}} but matches both {{{/pr/person}}} and {{{/pr/index}}}.
    286404== Customizing Menus ==