[[TOC]] [wiki:S3] | [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI S3 RESTful API] | URL Format = S3 RESTful API - URL Format = - see also: [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI/Methods Standard Methods] == Basic URL Syntax == - ''Parts in { } mark optional parts, [ A | B ] indicates alternatives'' The basic URL format is: !http:// '''server''' / '''path''' / '''prefix''' / '''name'''{ /<'''arguments'''> }{ ?<'''query'''> } ''Example:'' {{{ http://vita.sahanafoundation.org/eden/hms/hospital/1/bed_capacity/create }}} * '''server''' ('''{{{vita.sahanafoundation.org}}}''') is the server, '''path''' ('''{{{/eden}}}''') the path to the application * '''prefix''' ('''{{{/hms}}}''') is the application prefix (="module" name) of the resource * '''name''' ('''{{{/hospital}}}''') is the resource name (without prefix) The '''arguments''' list consists of: { /'''id''' }{ / [ '''method''' | '''component''' { /'''component_id''' } { /'''method''' } ] } * '''id''' ('''{{{/1}}}''') is a record ID in the main resource * '''component''' ('''{{{/bed_capacity}}}''') is a component resource name (without prefix) * '''component_id''' is a record ID in the component resource * '''method''' ('''{{{/create}}}''') is a URL [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI/Methods method] For the '''query''' syntax, see below == Basic Query Format == The basic query format is: '''resource'''.{'''foreign key'''$}'''field'''{'''operator'''}='''value(s)''' * '''resource''' is the name of the resource or component (without prefix) * '''foreign key''' is the name of the foreign key field * '''field''' is the name of the field in the target table * '''operator''' is the operator * '''value(s)''' is the value or a comma-separated list of values to test against (a comma will be treated as OR) The tilde {{{~}}} as resource name is interpreted as "this resource" (=the master resource addressed by the URL). {{{None}}} as value can be specified as {{{NONE}}} in the URL (all-uppercase). Values with commas are always treated as a list of values. A value enclosed in double quotes {{{"}}} is treated as string constant - i.e. commas and {{{NONE}}} inside the string will not be interpreted in this case. It is possible to chain {{{$}}} selectors like in {{{resource.foreign_key$foreign_key$fieldname=value}}} to select fields in tables which are two or more forward references away. Supported operators: ||'''Operator'''||'''Method'''||'''Comments|| ||!__eq||equal, ==||can be omitted|| ||!__ne||not equal, !=|| || ||!__lt||less than, <||numeric and date types only|| ||!__le||less than or equal, <=||numeric and date types only|| ||!__gt||greater than, >||numeric and date types only|| ||!__ge||greater than or equal, >=||numeric and date types only|| ||!__like||like, LIKE(%value%)||string/text types only|| ||!__contains||containment||list types only|| ||!__belongs||reverse containment|||| To negate a query, append {{{!}}} to the operator, e.g. {{{resource.fieldname__like!=value}}}. The {{{like}}} operator works case-insensitive, whereas {{{contains}}} is case-sensitive. == Field Queries == Field names in URL queries must be prefixed by the resource alias, followed by a "." dot, like: Master resource: {{{ /pr/person?person.first_name__like=Miriam }}} Master resources use their table name without controller prefix as alias, whereas components can have a context-dependent alias (which must be used here). The tilde {{{~}}} refers to the master resource addressed by the URL: {{{ /pr/person?~.first_name__like=Miriam }}} This refers to the {{{first_name}}} field in the {{{pr_person}}} table. Component: {{{ /pr/person?address.city__like=Oslo }}} Note that any component of the master resource can be queried, even if it is not addressed by the URL. To query a field in a referenced record, append the foreign key field name followed by a "$" sign to the resource name prefix. {{{ /pr/person?person.location_id$lat__lt=55.0 }}} This requires that the respective foreign key field is defined as "reference" type ("integer", "list:reference" or virtual fields are not real foreign keys and can therefore not be used for $-joins). == Boundary Box Queries == For resources with location references (e.g. Hospitals), you can use boundary box queries select records. The general format of the query variable is: - ?bbox=minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat You can also specify the foreign key field name of the location reference the query relates to (e.g. in case there are multiple location references in that resource): - ?bbox.FKFieldName=minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat Examples: {{{ /hms/hospital?bbox=123,13.5,124,13.7 }}} {{{ /hms/hospital?bbox.location_id=123,13.5,124,13.7 }}} == URL Examples == ==== Interactive (HTML) Format ==== * ==== Non-interactive Formats ==== * * * ==== URL Method (GET) ==== * ==== Record by ID ==== * * * ==== Record by UID ==== * ==== URL Queries ==== *,2,3 *,1,2,3,4&office.obsolete=False * (can use s3xrc.xml.ISOFORMAT as format string) * * ---- DeveloperGuidelines