[[TOC]] [wiki:S3XRC] | [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI S3 RESTful API] | s3_rest_controller = s3_rest_controller = == Introduction == The so-called '''REST Controller''' (function {{{s3_rest_controller()}}}) is a helper function to easily apply the RESTful API of the S3Resource class to your controller. {{{s3_rest_controller}}} does: - parse and execute the incoming HTTP request on the specified resource - populate and hand-over view variables - choose and set the response view template ({{{response.view}}}) Using {{{s3_rest_controller}}}, a basic RESTful controller for the {{{pr_image}}} table can look like: {{{ def image(): """ RESTful CRUD controller """ return s3_rest_controller("pr", "image") }}} This exposes all standard [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI/URLFormat URLs] and [wiki:S3XRC/RESTfulAPI methods] for this table, including: - interactive create, read, update, delete and list views - non-interactive data export/import (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) in multiple formats == Basic Syntax == {{{ output = s3_rest_controller(prefix, resourcename) }}} - '''prefix''' is the application prefix of the resource - '''resourcename''' is the name of the resource (without prefix) - '''output''' contains the result of the request and can be returned from the controller as-is - in interactive view formats, this is a {{{dict}}} of view variables == Basic Options == === Redirection === Default destination of the redirection after a ''create'' or ''update'' is the ''read'' view of the processed record, after a ''delete'' it is the ''list'' view of the respective table. The redirection destination can be configured per DB table, using: {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, create_next=url) }}} {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, update_next=url) }}} {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, delete_next=url) }}} where: - '''table''' is the respective DB table - '''url''' is the URL to redirect to If, for create_next or update_next, '''url''' contains the string literal "[id]" (or its URL-encoded equivalent), then this literal is replaced by the ID of the updated/newly created record before redirection. Note: Redirection does not happen after non-interactive data imports! === Callbacks === For every DB table, you can define functions to be invoked upon certain CRUD events. Those "callbacks" can be: - a single callable (function, lambda, callable object) - a list of callables, which are invoked in list order - a dict of callables, where the tablename is used as key to find the callable to be invoked - a dict of lists of callables, where the tablename is used as key to find the list of callables to be executed in list order The return value of the callables, if any, is ignored. '''Important:''' Callbacks are invoked in the same manner during non-interactive data imports, where usually multiple records will be processed in one and the same request. Therefore, any callbacks '''must not redirect'''! ==== Validation Callbacks ==== After successful submission of a create/update form (=the input data have successfully passed the field validation), you can define extra form validation methods to be invoked by using: {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, create_onvalidation=callback) }}} {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, update_onvalidation=callback) }}} where: - '''table''' is the respective DB table - '''callable''' is the callback setting, see [#Callbacks Callbacks] If either of {{{create_onvalidation}}} or {{{update_onvalidation}}} is not set, then the {{{onvalidation}}} setting is tried: {{{ s3xrc.model.configure(table, onvalidation=callback) }}} This allows you to define a common onvalidation callback for both ''create'' and ''update''. Onvalidation callbacks are meant to allow additional form data validation (beyond individual field validators). The callables receive the '''form''' as first and only parameter, while their return values will be ignored. Any validation errors are to be reported directly into the form as: {{{ form.errors[fieldname] = error_msg }}} where: - '''fieldname''' is the field containing the invalid value - '''error_msg''' is the error message to be displayed in the form close to that field If after the execution of the onvalidation callback any messages are found in {{{form.errors}}}, then no data are being imported and instead, the process will return to the input view with the messages displayed close to the respective form fields. In non-interactive data imports, the error message will be added to the import tree as extra attribute of the invalid element. The XML importer will however process all records in the import tree in order to find all validation errors before reporting the invalid tree to the sender, and in case {{{ignore_errors}}} is used, all valid records will be imported in the first attempt. ==== On-accept Callbacks ==== ==== On-Delete Callback ==== === Pagination === The default pagination method is '''server-side''' (SSPag), meaning, in list views the client will receive only the first of the available rows, and then retrieve more rows as needed by subsequent Ajax calls. In contrast to that, in '''client-side''' pagination (CSPag) mode all available rows of the list are retrieved and send to the client at once. For most tables, though, this will probably be a huge data set and take a long time to extract and transmit, while mostly being unnecessary when the user only needs to see the first 20 rows to find what he's looking for. However, some tables may by their nature only contain one or few rows, and then server-side pagination is not needed (in fact, inefficient). In these cases, the respective controller can turn it off by: {{{ response.s3.no_sspag=True }}} == View Control == === Default View === === Custom View === === Additional View Variables === In interactive view formats, any additional named arguments in the {{{s3_rest_controller}}} argument list will be added to the view variables: {{{ output = s3_rest_controller(prefix, resourcename, **attr) }}} - '''**attr''': additional view variables - any callable argument will be invoked with the {{{S3Request}}} as first and only argument, and its return value will be added to the view variables - any non-callable argument will be added to the view variables as-is - any argument that gives {{{None}}} will remove this key from the view variables A typical use-case is '''rheader''': {{{ def my_rheader(r): if r.interactive and r.component: # Code producing the rheader... return rheader else: return None output = s3_rest_controller(prefix, name, rheader=my_rheader) }}} If {{{my_rheader(r)}}} gives something else than {{{None}}}, then this value is added as {{{rheader}}} to the view variables. == Advanced Options == === Pre-Process === === Post-Process === === Method Handlers === === Custom Methods === ---- DeveloperGuidelines